Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 29463: 1997-001-00 IDAHO CHINOOK CAPTIVE REARING
Project Number:
Spring Chinook Captive Propagation-Idaho
Province Subbasin %
Mountain Snake Salmon 100.00%
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  • 35399: 2007-403-00 EXP ID SPR CHINOOK CAPTIVE PROP
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Contract Description:
The ultimate goal of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) Captive Rearing Program of Salmon River Spring Chinook Salmon is to maintain a minimum number of adults spawning in specific target streams annually.  To achieve this goal, the program is testing the efficacy of the captive rearing conservation approach.  Project activities are divided into two parts:  1) hatchery propagation and 2) spawning performance monitoring and evaluation.  The success of the project depends on developing culture techniques to produce fish with proper behavioral, morphological, physiological characteristics to successfully interact with and breed with wild individuals.  Field monitoring is used to document behavioral interactions, spawn timing, success of redds spawned by captive-reared individuals, and to determine if changes in culture technique result in desired changes in reproductive behavior or performance.  In addition, an important component of this program is to document successful production (juveniles and adults) from captive adult spawning events.

1) Hatchery Propagation:
a) Early Rearing (Eyed-egg through smolt).  Approximately 300 eyed-eggs collected from wild/natural redds on the East Fork Salmon River and the West Fork Yankee Fork.  Eyed-eggs are collected from five to six wild/natural redds and the eggs are transported to Eagle Fish Hatchery propagation.  Eagle Fish Hatchery will culture these Chinook salmon through the smolt stage at which time they are transported to Manchester Research Station for seawater rearing through maturation.  While in culture at Eagle Fish Hatchery; water temperature and growth rates are monitored closely to produce smolts similar in size as to their natural counterparts.  During early rearing (first 15 months), juveniles are maintained in family groups based on the redd the eyed-eggs are collected from, at this point juveniles are PIT tagged and groups are mixed, while maintaining segregation between stocks.  Before transfer to seawater, the juveniles are vaccinated with Renogen and Vibrogen, and marked with an Elastomer tag.
b) Adult Holding:  Maturing adult Chinook salmon are transported back to Eagle Fish Hatchery for temporary holding on freshwater before release to natal streams (July/August).

2) Spawning Performance Monitoring and Evaluation:
a) Eyed-egg collections.  Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) research biologists monitor wild/natural Chinook salmon spawning activities, documenting redd development (location) and stream temperatures.  Based on this information, eyed-eggs are collected from five to six redds in each drainage (300 eyed-eggs from each drainage) by hydraulically sampling (redd pumping) individual redds collecting 50 to 60 eyed-eggs per redd.  These eggs are transported to Eagle Fish Hatchery for rearing (see #1 above).
b) Adult Observations:  After maturing Captive Reared Chinook salmon adults are transported back to Eagle Fish Hatchery, adults are marked for visual identification in the field after release.  Petersen Disc, jaw, or floy tags are used to mark individual fish.  A blocking weir is installed on the East Fork Salmon River to contain the captive reared salmon in the observation area (wild/natural salmon and other species are allowed to move up or down stream freely.  Radio transmitters are also inserted in eight to ten adults to assist with adult movements within each drainage after release.  Spawning observations include: habitat selection (pool, rifle/run, cut bank, overhead vegetation) and behavioral observations (holding, aggression, courting, moving, milling). spawn timing, and spawning behavior.
c) Reproductive Success:  Genetic samples are collected from all released captive reared adult salmon and from about 500 juveniles.  This information is used to determine if spawning events from captive reared Chinook salmon produced offspring the following summer using parental exclusion based on genetic analysis.
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* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 31-Jan-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Contract Type:
Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
NEPA compliance documentation completed and submitted. A: 165. Chinook salmon captive rearing compliance report and permits. 03/31/2007 03/30/2007
Eagle Fish Hatchery Facility and Grounds Maintenance. B: 61. Maintain captive rearing facilities at Eagle FH. 09/30/2007 09/30/2007
Maintain and rear captive Chinook salmon. C: 176. Captive rearing of West Fork Yankee Fork (WFYF) and East Fork Salmon River (EFSR) Chinook salmon. 08/15/2007 07/13/2007
Monitoring trap/weir in place and fully functional. D: 70. Install and maintain weir/traps on East Fork Salmon River. 09/30/2007 07/12/2007
Marking/Tagging activities associated with Chinook salmon Captive Rearing M & E. E: 158. Marking and tagging Chinook salmon for evaluation of program. 09/30/2007 09/27/2007
Collection of field data associated with the Chinook Captive Rearing M and E F: 157. Chinook salmon captive rearing field evaluations. 09/30/2007 09/30/2007
Analyze and Interpret Chinook Salmon data from EFSR and WFYF. G: 162. Analyze and interpret data for the Chinook salmon captive rearing program. 09/30/2007 09/30/2007
Participation at program essential and CSCPTOC meetings. H: 189. Quarterly Chinook Salmon Captive Propagation (CSCPTOC) coordination meeting. 09/30/2007 09/19/2007
Manage and Administer BPA project. I: 119. Manage and Administer projects associated with the Chinook Salmon Captive Rearing Program. 09/30/2007 09/30/2007
Chinook Salmon Captive Rearing Annual Reporting. J: 132. Chinook salmon captive rearing BPA reports. 09/30/2007 09/24/2007

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Snake River Spring/Summer ESU (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 176 Produce Hatchery Fish
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Snake River Spring/Summer (not listed)
  • 1 instance of WE 61 Maintain Artificial Production Facility/Infrastructure
  • 1 instance of WE 70 Install Fish Monitoring Equipment
  • 1 instance of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 1 instance of WE 158 Mark/Tag Animals
  • 1 instance of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 165 Chinook salmon captive rearing compliance report and permits. 02/09/2007
B 61 Maintain captive rearing facilities at Eagle FH. 12/01/2000
C 176 Captive rearing of West Fork Yankee Fork (WFYF) and East Fork Salmon River (EFSR) Chinook salmon. 12/01/2000
D 70 Install and maintain weir/traps on East Fork Salmon River. 12/01/2000
E 158 Marking and tagging Chinook salmon for evaluation of program. 10/01/2006
F 157 Chinook salmon captive rearing field evaluations. 12/01/2000
G 162 Analyze and interpret data for the Chinook salmon captive rearing program. 02/09/2007
H 189 Quarterly Chinook Salmon Captive Propagation (CSCPTOC) coordination meeting. 02/09/2007
I 119 Manage and Administer projects associated with the Chinook Salmon Captive Rearing Program. 02/09/2007
J 132 Chinook salmon captive rearing BPA reports. 02/09/2007
K 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA 02/09/2007