Completed NEPA Requirements for Appropriate Work Elements |
A: 165. Complete NEPA Compliance |
12/31/2014 |
05/11/2015 |
Sharp-Tailed Grouse Habitat Final Report |
B: 141. Sharp-Tailed Grouse Habitat Final Report |
06/30/2015 |
Consistent and cohesive restoration efforts between Tribal, State, Federal and private partners |
C: 191. Cooperate with other projects and agencies to maximize restoration benefits |
09/30/2015 |
09/30/2015 |
Hangman Restoration Efforts Coordinated with Regional Programs and Policies |
D: 189. Coordinate Efforts with regional partners |
09/30/2015 |
09/30/2015 |
Lands enrolled in conservation partnerships |
E: 114. Identify & select lands within priority areas where conservation partnerships can be developed |
09/30/2015 |
09/30/2015 |
Conservation easement on uplands traded for conservation easement on flood plain acreages |
F: 172. Exclude uplands within the hnt'k'wipn Management Area in favor of additional floodplain acreage |
09/30/2015 |
Secured Habitats within hnt'k'wipn |
G: 115. Determine immediate threats to integrity of habitats within hnt'k'wipn |
09/30/2015 |
08/20/2015 |
Remove Debris that Poses Safety Hazard or Hinders Development of Native Habitats |
H: 27. Remove scrap debris from past use or from illegal dumping |
09/30/2015 |
09/30/2015 |
Maintained Signage, Gates and Fencing |
I: 188. Maintain and/or establish access to the hnt'k'wipn Management Area |
09/30/2015 |
09/30/2015 |
Habitat Restoration Efforts Initiated Through the Plantings of Native Grasses, Shrubs and Trees |
J: 47. Plant native grasses, trees and shrubs according to pertinent management plans |
05/15/2015 |
05/04/2015 |
Noxious weed cover within managed properties reduced as far a possible |
K: 198. Minimize the presence of noxious weeds on managed properties |
09/30/2015 |
06/30/2015 |
Increased beaver dam size and persistence |
L: 29. Reinforce beaver dams |
09/30/2015 |
07/31/2015 |
A determination of the effectiveness of a bladder placement and corresponding management action |
M: 30. Activate the newly constructed Sheep Creek Channel during the summer low flow months |
08/07/2015 |
A minimum of five new temporary enclosures built; existing enclosures maintained to prevent browse |
N: 190. Establish and maintain temporary fences to protect planted native vegetation |
09/30/2015 |
09/16/2015 |
Counts and measurements of beaver dams and caches in the Project Area |
O: 157. Assess beaver distribution in the Project Area |
09/30/2015 |
09/25/2015 |
Data summarizing the establishment success rates through stem counts and percent cover by species |
P: 157. Evaluate survival of Project plantings |
09/30/2015 |
08/28/2015 |
All administrative tasks fulfilled with timely quality products |
Q: 119. Manage and administer project |
09/30/2015 |
09/30/2015 |
Project Report Covering 2013 & 2014 Performance Periods |
S: 132. Annual Report Required |
09/28/2015 |
Inform Students, Neighbors, Landowners and Community about Project Activities |
T: 99. Involve students and inform public of Hangman Restoration Project activities |
09/30/2015 |
09/30/2015 |