Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 92075: 2008-116-00 EXP WHITE STURGEON ENHANCEMENT
Project Number:
White Sturgeon Enhancement
Province Subbasin %
Intermountain Columbia Upper 100.00%
Contract Number:
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Contract Description:
The subpopulation of White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) inhabiting the transboundary reach of the Columbia River has experienced chronic recruitment failure for several decades.  This population has been the focus of an international recovery effort since the early 2000s.  The purpose of this project is to augment the recovery effort by pursuing the following goals:

Goal 1:  Inform decisions for Transboundary Reach White Sturgeon conservation and management.
Under this goal the project will assist with periodic stock assessment surveys intended to track population status, hatchery supplementation success, and monitor the impacts of the recreational fishery.  In addition to survey participation, the major contributions of this project will be to a) determine maturation rates in hatchery fish for use in population models to predict responses to changes in stocking strategies or fishery management; and 2) assess the conservation risks associated with spontaneous autopolyploidy by screening wild adults and hatchery releases for rates of 8N, 10N, and 12N ploidy states.  This project will also contribute to this goal by developing and maintaining the upper Columbia White Sturgeon data management system.

Goal 2: Index natural recruitment and monitor the success of experimental releases to test recruitment failure hypotheses.
Under this goal we intend to redesign and implement fall recruitment surveys that in their current form have failed to detect any age-0 juveniles (either naturally produced or from experimental releases of larvae and age-0 juveniles) in nearly 20 years.

Goal 3: Determine if larval drift distance and drift rate influence recruitment.
While there are many potential factors contributing to recruitment failure in the transboundary population, this project is focused on assessing the role of larval drift rate and extent using modeling and field experimental approaches (e.g., larval translocation).

In 2023, our specific tasks include: 1) the development of a study plan and methods for monitoring low levels of recruitment to the fall age-0 life stage generated using estimated gear retention and encounter rates; 2) implementing age-1+ setline surveys to monitor for natural recruitment and success of previous experimental releases; 3) implementing experiments for estimating larvae drift rates, and 4) monitoring ploidy of age-1+ juvenile White Sturgeon captured during setlining.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 31-Aug-2024.

Env. Compliance Lead:
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Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Full Name Organization Write Permission Contact Role Email Work Phone
Jay Chong Bonneville Power Administration Yes Contracting Officer (503) 230-4007
Edward Gresh Bonneville Power Administration Yes Env. Compliance Lead (503) 230-5756
Billy Gunn Colville Confederated Tribes No Interested Party (509) 422-7740
Matthew Howell Colville Confederated Tribes No Interested Party (509) 499-1075
Peter Lofy Bonneville Power Administration Yes F&W Approver (503) 230-4193
Carlos Matthew Bonneville Power Administration Yes COR (503) 230-3418
Jason McLellan Colville Confederated Tribes Yes Contract Manager (509) 209-2418
Bret Nine Colville Confederated Tribes Yes Supervisor (509) 209-2419
Jessica Power Bonneville Power Administration No CO Assistant (503) 230-4023

Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Applicable local, state, federal and tribal environmental permits A: 165. Produce environmental compliance 03/31/2024 03/31/2024
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets B: 157. Release and recapture White Sturgeon larvae to estimate drift rates 07/31/2023 07/21/2023
Marked first-feeding White Sturgeon larvae C: 158. Immersion-mark naturally produced first-feeding White Sturgeon larvae with Calcein 07/31/2023 07/21/2023
Deliverable: An accessible, error-checked data set with metadata D: 162. Analyze White Sturgeon larvae drift data. 12/31/2023 12/15/2023
Age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon sampling study plan E: 156. Develop a study design suitable for monitoring low level recruitment to the fall age-0 juvenile stage 03/31/2024
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets F: 157. Gear retention experiment - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon 03/31/2024
Deliverable: An accessible, error-checked data set with metadata G: 162. Estimate gear retention - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon 03/31/2024
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets H: 157. Gear encounter rate experiment - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon 03/31/2024 03/31/2024
Acoustic tagged age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon I: 158. Acoustic tag age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon 10/31/2023 10/20/2023
Deliverable: An accessible, error-checked data set with metadata J: 162. Estimate gear encounter rates for age-0 White Sturgeon 03/31/2024 03/31/2024
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets K: 157. Conduct age-1+ juvenile monitoring 03/31/2024 03/31/2024
Deliverable: An accessible, error-checked data set with metadata L: 162. Analyze age-1+ juvenile monitoring data 03/31/2024 03/31/2024
Provide technical review M: 122. Provide Technical Review for other UCWSRI projects and reports 03/31/2024 03/31/2024
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets N: 157. Determine rates of 8N, 10N, and 12N ploidy in hatchery and wild White Sturgeon 03/31/2024
Effective implementation management and timely contract administration O: 119. Manage and administer the White Sturgeon Enhancement Project 11/30/2023 12/15/2023
Completed Annual Report Q: 132. Upload Progress Report for the period January 2022 through December 2022 03/31/2024

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Sturgeon, White (Acipenser transmontanus) - All Populations except Kootenai R. DPS
  • 5 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 2 instances of WE 158 Mark/Tag Animals
  • 4 instances of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 165 Produce environmental compliance
B 157 Release and recapture White Sturgeon larvae to estimate drift rates 02/21/2023
C 158 Immersion-mark naturally produced first-feeding White Sturgeon larvae with Calcein 02/21/2023
D 162 Analyze White Sturgeon larvae drift data.
E 156 Develop a study design suitable for monitoring low level recruitment to the fall age-0 juvenile stage 02/21/2023
F 157 Gear retention experiment - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon 02/21/2023
G 162 Estimate gear retention - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon
H 157 Gear encounter rate experiment - age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon 02/21/2023
I 158 Acoustic tag age-0 juvenile White Sturgeon 02/21/2023
J 162 Estimate gear encounter rates for age-0 White Sturgeon
K 157 Conduct age-1+ juvenile monitoring 02/21/2023
L 162 Analyze age-1+ juvenile monitoring data
M 122 Provide Technical Review for other UCWSRI projects and reports
N 157 Determine rates of 8N, 10N, and 12N ploidy in hatchery and wild White Sturgeon 02/21/2023
O 119 Manage and administer the White Sturgeon Enhancement Project
P 132 Draft Progress Report for the period January 2023 through December 2023
Q 132 Upload Progress Report for the period January 2022 through December 2022
R 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA