Ensure environmental compliance requirements are complete |
A: 165. Deschutes, Fifteenmile, Hood - Complete Environmental Compliance Requirements |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
Summarize water temperature data (2008-12), compare to developmental stages |
B: 162. Deschutes River (DR): Summarize water temperature data (2008-12), compare to developmental stages |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
DR: Collect water temperature data |
C: 157. DR: 2012-2013 Record tributary water temperatures for lamprey life-history |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
Estimate adult lamprey escapement for 2012 |
D: 162. DR: 2012 Generate Pacific lamprey escapement upstream of Sherars Falls |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
Collect data associated with estimating escapement for Pacific lamprey in 2013 |
E: 157. DR: 2013 Field activities to generate Pacific lamprey escapement estimate upstream of Sherars |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
Tag adult lamprey at Sherars Falls |
F: 158. DR: 2013 Tag lamprey to estimate abundance at Sherars Falls |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
Develop HDX array |
G: 70. DR: Establish HDX arrays in Shitike Creek |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
Operate HDX arrays in Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek |
H: 157. DR: Collect data from HDX sites on CTWSRO reservation |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
Conduct end of distribution surveys |
I: 157. DR: End of distribution surveys in Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek watersheds |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
Summarize water temperature data (2008-12), compare to developmental stages |
J: 162. Fifteenmile (FM): Summarize water temperature data (2008-12), compare to developmental stages |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
Install LPS |
K: 184. FM: Install lamprey passage system (LPS) |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
Fifteenmile Creek adult Pacific lamprey escapement estimate for summer 2012 |
L: 162. FM: 2012 Generate lamprey escapement upstream of Cushing Falls |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
Conduct mark-recapture to estimate escapement |
M: 157. FM: 2013 Field activities to generate Pacific lamprey escapement estimate upstream of Cushing |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
Tag lamprey |
N: 158. FM: Tag lamprey for escapement estimates |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
Develop and installs HDX monitoring sites |
O: 70. FM: Install Half Duplex PIT Tag Interrogation Sites in Fifteenmile Creek |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
Operation of HDX PIT Tag Arrays In Fifteenmile Creek Subbasin |
P: 157. FM: Collect Movement Data From Fifteenmile PIT Arrays |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
Conduct end of distribution surveys |
Q: 157. FM: End of distribution surveys in Mill Creek |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
Conduct end of distribution surveys |
R: 157. FM: Ammocoete density surveys in Mill Creek |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
Synthesize watershed coordination information |
S: 162. FM: Synthesis of information gathered on lamprey limting factors through watershed coordination |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
Compile information on potential limiting factors to lamprey production |
T: 191. FM: Collect information on potential limiting factors to lamprey production |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
Establish two new HDX array in Hood River Basin |
U: 70. Hood River (HR): Install Half Duplex PIT tag Interrogation Site in Hood River |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
Install, operate, maintain and collect data from HDX arrays in the Hood River Subbasin |
V: 157. HR: Collect data from half-duplex site in Hood River |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
Analyze distribution & relative abundance data in the Deschutes, Fifteenmile, and Hood subbasins |
W: 162. DR, FM & HR: Analyze 2011-2012 larval lamprey surveys (end of distribution and abundance) |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
Lamprey migration timing and movement patterns in Deschutes, Fifteenmile and Hood subbasins |
X: 162. DR, FM & HR: Summerize data collected from HDX Arrays |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
Enter HDX Tag information into PTAGIS. |
Y: 159. DR, FM, & HR: Enter HDX PIT tag information into PTAGIS |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
Synthesize data gathered to date for ISRP review |
Z: 161. DR, FM & HR: Address ISRP & ISAB comments as related to CTWSRO |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
Participate in regional lamprey research and recovery forums |
AA: 189. DR, FM, & HR: Participate in regional planning and recovery actions for Pacific lamprey |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
Lamprey Education and Outreach (E&O) |
AB: 99. DR, FM, & HR Education & Outreach (E&O) |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
HDX Pit tag Plan for CTWSRO |
AC: 174. DR, FM, & DR PIT tag plan |
09/30/2013 |
09/30/2013 |
Submit Funding Package To COTR |
AD: 119. Manage Project |
09/30/2013 |
08/13/2013 |
Attach Progress Report in Pisces |
AE: 132. DR, FM, & HR: Progress Reports for October 2011 - September 2012 |
08/01/2013 |
08/01/2013 |