Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
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Portfolio "Fish Accord - Shoshone-Bannock Tribe"
Name: Fish Accord - Shoshone-Bannock Tribe 
Description: Projects funded via the Shoshone-Bannock Fish Accord. Includes only those projects that are currently funded from the Accord (not projects that were originally proposed but later combined or merged into larger projects). 
Result Type: Project 
Visibility: Visible to the general public without an account 
Created: 12/11/2008 4:34:11 PM by Read, Christine 
Last Modified: 5/28/2012 11:15:20 AM by Marsters, Dal 
Last Automatic Snapshot: 11/8/2024 4:32:48 PM 
Proponents: Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), Nez Perce Tribe, Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) 
FCRPS BiOp Actions: RPA 34 Tributary Habitat Implementation 2007 to 2009, RPA 41 Implement Safety-Net Programs to Preserve Genetic Resources and Reduce Extinction Risk, RPA 42 Implement Conservation Programs to Build Genetic Resources and Assist in Promoting Recovery, RPA 50 Fish Population Status Monitoring, RPA 51 Collaboration Regarding Fish Population Status Monitoring, RPA 54 Monitor and Evaluate Effects of Configuration and Operation Actions, RPA 55 Investigate Hydro Critical Uncertanties, RPA 56 Monitor and Evaluate Tributary Habitat Conditions and Limiting Factors, RPA 63 Monitor Hatchery Effectiveness, RPA 64 Investigate Hatchery Critical Uncertainties 
Cumulative Working Budget: $165,488,763 in Expense
$55,849,426 in Capital
Total # of Projects: 14
Criteria Summary:

Portfolio Charts

Budgets shown above may be pending a formal rate case process.