Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
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Portfolio "Proposals for New FCRPS BiOp Work (FY10-August)"
Name: Proposals for New FCRPS BiOp Work (FY10-August) 
Description: This portfolio is established to support a Review for any proposals for the FCRPS BiOp made during August, 2010. 
Result Type: Project 
Visibility: Visible to the general public without an account 
Created: 7/30/2010 3:08:42 PM by Read, Christine 
Last Modified: 8/17/2010 11:17:43 AM by Zelinsky, Benjamin 
Last Automatic Snapshot: 12/10/2024 1:44:49 PM 
Proponents: Idaho Governor's Office of Species Conservation, Nez Perce Tribe, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, US Geological Survey (USGS) 
FCRPS BiOp Actions: RPA 34 Tributary Habitat Implementation 2007 to 2009, RPA 35 Tributary Habitat Implementation 2010 to 2018, RPA 44 Develop Strategies to Reduce Non-Indigenous Fish, RPA 70 Monitoring Related to Piscivorous (Fish) Predation 
Cumulative Working Budget: $13,284,919 in Expense
$0 in Capital
Total # of Projects: 4
Criteria Summary:

Portfolio Charts

Budgets shown above may be pending a formal rate case process.