Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
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Project Summary

Project 1989-107-00 - Statistical Support For Salmon
Project Number:
Statistical Support For Salmon

This Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) funded project was initiated to develop the statistical theory, methods, and statistical software to design and analyze PIT-tag survival studies. This project developed the initial study designs for the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) /University of Washington (UW) Snake River survival studies of 1993–present. Since then, survival investigations have been extended to the use of balloon, radio, and acoustic tags. Survival investigations now include route-specific survival at hydro projects, partitioning project survival into pool and dam components, relating smolt survival to river conditions and dam operations, and the estimation of upriver adult survival. This project continues to respond to the changing needs of the scientific community in the Pacific Northwest as they face new challenges to extract life-history data from an increasing variety of fish-tagging studies. The project's mission is to help assure tagging studies are designed and analyzed from the onset to extract the best available information using state-of-the-art statistical methods. In so doing, investigators can focus on the management implications of their findings and not become distracted by concerns whether the studies design and analyses are correct or not.

To accomplish this project's mission, the project provides quantitative support to the fisheries community from study design through data analysis and interpretation. Starting from first principles, statistical methods are tailored specifically for the intent of the tagging study objectives. From the onset, investigators therefore know exactly what information can and cannot be extracted and what model assumptions must be met for a valid study. By tailoring the statistical models to the specific purpose of the study, maximum precision is also obtained.

The project also develops interactive statistical software to allow investigators to easily and competently analyze tagging data. Program SURPH was developed to analyze juvenile PIT-tag data; Program USER, to analyze radio- and acoustic-tag studies; Program ROSTER, to analyze joint juvenile and adult PIT-tag detections; and Program PitPro, to easily and correctly extract detection histories from the PTAGIS data base for the analysis of adult and juvenile survival and transportation studies. Technical support is provided to investigators through instruction, consultation, and assistance in the design and analysis of complex datasets. Program SampleSize was developed to assist investigators in the design of single-release, paired-release, transport-inriver, and balloon-tag survival studies. Each year, this project assists investigators in the design and analysis of over 20 major tagging studies conducted by state and federal agencies, public utility districts, and tribal organizations in the Columbia Basin.

Tagging studies within the Columbia Basin have become extensive, with tens of millions of CWT, over a million PIT tags, tens of thousands of radio tags, and thousands of acoustic tags used annually to obtain life-history information on salmonid stocks. Yet, this BPA-funded project is the only project dedicated to providing statistical support for their design and analysis. This project helps assure cost-effective tagging studies, valid analysis of the data, and proper interpretation of results to best manage water and salmonid resources. Because evaluation of mitigation projects and system recovery rely on performance measures from tagging studies, reliable study designs and data analysis are crucial to the Fish and Wildlife Program (FWP).


Ensure that salmonid tagging studies in the Columbia Basin are conducted with the best available design and analysis, including sample size guidance, state-of-the-art statistical software, and consultation in order to provide cost-effective and precise research, monitoring, and evaluation studies.
Proponent Orgs:
University of Washington (Edu)
Starting FY:
Ending FY:
Implementation - Project Status Report
Province Subbasin %
Basinwide - 100.00%
RM and E
Focal Species:
All Anadromous Salmonids
Chinook - All Populations
Chum - Columbia River ESU
Coho - Lower Columbia River ESU
Coho - Unspecified Population
Sockeye - All Populations
Steelhead - All Populations
Species Benefit:
Anadromous: 100.0%   Resident: 0.0%   Wildlife: 0.0%
<a href="/Tag.mvc/Display/90" title="view more information about the tag RM&amp;E Plus Cat. Review - Submitted and Reviewed (Public Tags)">RM&amp;E Plus Cat. Review - Submitted and Reviewed (Public Tags)</a><br /><a href="/Tag.mvc/Display/122" title="view more information about the tag RME/AP Categorical Review (Public Tags)">RME/AP Categorical Review (Public Tags)</a><br /><a href="/Tag.mvc/Display/152" title="view more information about the tag Council Recommended Projects (Public Tags)">Council Recommended Projects (Public Tags)</a><br /><a href="/Tag.mvc/Display/159" title="view more information about the tag 2019 Mainstem and Program Support Categorical Review (Public Tags)">2019 Mainstem and Program Support Categorical Review (Public Tags)</a><br />
BiOp Association:
FCRPS 2008 - view list of FCRPS 2008 BiOp Actions

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Summary of Budgets

To view all expenditures for all fiscal years, click "Project Exp. by FY"

To see more detailed project budget information, please visit the "Project Budget" page

Decided Budget Transfers  (FY2024 - FY2026)

Acct FY Acct Type Amount Fund Budget Decision Date
FY2024 Expense $242,598 From: BiOp FCRPS 2008 (non-Accord) FY24 SOY Budget Upload 06/01/2023
FY2025 Expense $242,598 From: BiOp FCRPS 2008 (non-Accord) FY25 SOY 05/31/2024

Pending Budget Decision?  No

Actual Project Cost Share

Current Fiscal Year — 2025   DRAFT
Cost Share Partner Total Proposed Contribution Total Confirmed Contribution
There are no project cost share contributions to show.
Previous Fiscal Years
Fiscal Year Total Contributions % of Budget
2018 $70,359 23%
2017 $68,775 23%
2016 $56,929 20%
2015 $96,886 29%
2014 $235,517 51%
2013 $137,753 38%
2012 $213,478 49%
2011 $241,627 47%
2010 $264,027 55%
2009 $58,632 22%
2008 $68,760 21%
2007 $6,721 3%


The table below contains contracts with the following statuses: Active, Closed, Complete, History, Issued.
* "Total Contracted Amount" column includes contracted amount from both capital and expense components of the contract.
Expense Contracts:
Number Contractor Name Title Status Total Contracted Amount Dates
4126 SOW University of Washington 1989-107-00 STATISTICAL SUPP FOR SALMONID SURVIVAL STUDIES Closed $496,328 3/23/2001 - 1/31/2003
12494 SOW University of Washington 1989-107-00 STATISTICAL SUPPORT FOR SALMONID SURVIVAL STUDIES Closed $730,560 12/1/2002 - 11/30/2005
25091 SOW University of Washington 1989-107-00 EXP STATISTICAL SUPPORT FOR SALMONID SURVIVAL STUDIES Closed $237,833 12/1/2005 - 11/30/2006
29651 SOW University of Washington 198910700 EXP STATISTICAL SUPPORT FOR SALMONID SURVIVAL STUDIES Closed $239,260 12/1/2006 - 11/30/2007
35149 SOW University of Washington 198910700 EXP STATISTICAL SUPPORT FOR SALMONID SURVIVAL STUDIES Closed $251,170 12/1/2007 - 11/30/2008
39987 SOW University of Washington 1989-107-00 EXP STATISTICAL SUPPORT FOR SALMONID SURVIVAL STUDIE Closed $213,518 12/1/2008 - 11/30/2009
44410 SOW University of Washington 1989-107-00 EXP STATISTICAL SUPPORT SALMONID SURVIVAL STUDIES Closed $215,128 12/1/2009 - 11/30/2010
50065 SOW University of Washington 198910700 EXP STATISTICAL SUPPORT SALMONID SURVIVAL STUDIES FY11 Closed $271,280 12/1/2010 - 11/30/2011
55454 SOW University of Washington 1989-107-00 EXP STATISTICAL SUPPORT SALMONID SURVIVAL STUDIES-12 Closed $225,982 12/1/2011 - 11/30/2012
59002 SOW University of Washington 1989-107-00 EXP STATISTICAL SUPPORT FOR SALMON Closed $226,351 12/1/2012 - 11/30/2013
63491 SOW University of Washington 1989-107-00 EXP STATISTICAL SUPPORT FOR SALMON Closed $226,263 12/1/2013 - 11/30/2014
67518 SOW University of Washington 1989-107-00 EXP STATISTICAL SUPPORT FOR SALMON Closed $232,212 12/1/2014 - 11/30/2015
70916 SOW University of Washington 1989-107-00 EXP STATISTICAL SUPP SALMONID SURVIVAL STUDIES Closed $232,374 12/1/2015 - 11/30/2016
74580 SOW University of Washington 1989-107-00 EXP STATISTICAL SUPP SALMONID SURVIVAL STUDIES Closed $232,361 12/1/2016 - 11/30/2017
77578 SOW University of Washington 1989-107-00 EXP STATISTICAL SUPP SALMONID SURVIVAL STUDIES Closed $232,313 12/1/2017 - 11/30/2018
76910 REL 5 SOW University of Washington 1989-107-00 EXP STATISTICAL SUPP SALMONID SURVIVAL STUDIES Closed $232,374 12/1/2018 - 11/30/2019
76910 REL 10 SOW University of Washington 1989-107-00 EXP STATISTICAL SUPP SALMONID SURVIVAL STUDIES Closed $232,374 12/1/2019 - 11/30/2020
76910 REL 15 SOW University of Washington 1989-107-00 EXP STATISTICAL SUPP SALMONID SURVIVAL STUDIES Closed $232,049 12/1/2020 - 11/30/2021
76910 REL 20 SOW University of Washington 1989-107-00 EXP STATISTICAL SUPP SALMONID SURVIVAL STUDIES Closed $232,284 12/1/2021 - 11/30/2022
91433 SOW University of Washington 1989-107-00 EXP STATISTICAL SUPP SALMONID SURVIVAL STUDIES Closed $231,757 12/1/2022 - 11/30/2023
84060 REL 4 SOW University of Washington 1989-107-00 EXP STATISTICAL SUPP SALMONID SURVIVAL STUDIES Issued $242,598 12/1/2023 - 11/30/2024
84060 REL 8 SOW University of Washington 1989-107-00 EXP STATISTICAL SUPP SALMONID SURVIVAL STUDIES Issued $242,598 12/1/2024 - 11/30/2025

Annual Progress Reports
Expected (since FY2004):20
On time:20
Status Reports
On time:52
Avg Days Late:2

                Count of Contract Deliverables
Earliest Contract Subsequent Contracts Title Contractor Earliest Start Latest End Latest Status Accepted Reports Complete Green Yellow Red Total % Green and Complete Canceled
4126 12494, 25091, 29651, 35149, 39987, 44410, 50065, 55454, 59002, 63491, 67518, 70916, 74580, 77578, 76910 REL 5, 76910 REL 10, 76910 REL 15, 76910 REL 20, 91433, 84060 REL 4, 84060 REL 8 1989-107-00 EXP STATISTICAL SUPP SALMONID SURVIVAL STUDIES University of Washington 03/23/2001 11/30/2025 Issued 78 116 0 0 1 117 99.15% 0
Project Totals 78 116 0 0 1 117 99.15% 0

The table content is updated frequently and thus contains more recent information than what was in the original proposal reviewed by ISRP and Council.

Review: 2019-2021 Mainstem/Program Support

Council Recommendation

Assessment Number: 1989-107-00-NPCC-20210312
Project: 1989-107-00 - Statistical Support For Salmon
Review: 2019-2021 Mainstem/Program Support
Proposal: NPCC19-1989-107-00
Proposal State: Pending Council Recommendation
Approved Date: 8/25/2019
Recommendation: Implement
Comments: Continue implementation through next review cycle. Sponsor to coordinate efforts with other projects determining smelt survival and SARs to address ISRP programmatic on examining the strengths, weaknesses, and causes of variability in SAR estimates. Sponsor to describe in next annual report to Bonneville (1) process to identify Bonneville/fish managers statistical needs, (2) prioritization of requests, (2) engagement of fish managers in development of analytical tools, especially fish managers providing the primary data use, (4) reconciling/coordinating with similar data analysis/tools from Bonneville funded projects, and (5) plan to distribute completed tools to relevant regional processes/entities.

[Background: See https:/]

Independent Scientific Review Panel Assessment

Assessment Number: 1989-107-00-ISRP-20190404
Project: 1989-107-00 - Statistical Support For Salmon
Review: 2019-2021 Mainstem/Program Support
Proposal Number: NPCC19-1989-107-00
Completed Date: None
First Round ISRP Date: 4/4/2019
First Round ISRP Rating: Meets Scientific Review Criteria
First Round ISRP Comment:


The ISRP encourages this project, which uses coded wire tags (CWT), and the CSS project, which uses PIT-tags, to examine and explain the difference in SAR results (see Programmatic Comments).

1. Objectives, Significance to Regional Programs, and Technical Background

The overall objective is to design and analyze fish tagging studies using peer-reviewed statistical methods, so the best available information is obtained. The methodology will be shared with others involved with fish tagging through peer-reviewed publications, reports, workshops, and shared analysis software. The proposal provides details on the approach the proponents plan to use to improve the rigor, defensibility, and cost effectiveness of tagging studies.

The statistical services and products provided by this project make a major contribution to fish-tagging studies by state, federal, tribal, and academic entities throughout the region. The project has provided continuity of statistical support for both as-needed and anticipated needs to multiple parties in the region. The statistical software developed by project personnel is used throughout the region.

The project has direct significance to the 2014 Fish and Wildlife Program to use the best available science to protect, mitigate, and enhance fish and wildlife populations in the Columbia Basin. The proposal also connects the project objectives to critical uncertainties identified in the 2017 Research Plan.

The proposal explains the technical background in adequate detail and makes the point that the need for this ongoing project continues because tag technologies evolve as RM&E needs change over time.

2. Results and Adaptive Management

The proposal gives a summary of results that the project provides in support of regional tagging studies such as development of tagging models for new and complex investigations, publications on the design and analysis of tagging studies, development of statistical software for designing and analyzing tagging studies, participation in regional workshops, and providing statistical consulting for the design, analysis, and interpretation of tagging studies.

Adaptive management is discussed in terms of how advances in knowledge, new tagging technologies, and BiOp standards require changes in the design and analysis of tagging studies.

3. Methods: Project Relationships, Work Types, and Deliverables

Methods used are appropriate and up-to-date. The project has resulted in several peer-reviewed papers published in appropriate journals. The project provides support for tagging studies in the Basin and uses PIT-tag and CWT data from other projects. The project uses project DART as a repository for software and assorted materials.

This project is 100% RM&E work type.

Deliverables are clearly identified in the proposal as developing methods for the design and analysis of tagging studies, developing and maintaining statistical software for tagging studies, providing statistical consulting on the design and analysis of tagging studies, and providing BPA with technical assistance and peer review of tagging proposals and reports.

The ISRP appreciates the fact that in response to previous ISRP recommendations, project staff now keep ledgers and report time spent on consulting activities. In addition, surveys have been added to websites that allow user feedback, course evaluation forms are used for classes on software use, and records of unsolicited comments, acknowledgments, and suggestions are maintained.

Documentation Links:
Review: RME / AP Category Review

Council Recommendation

Assessment Number: 1989-107-00-NPCC-20110128
Project: 1989-107-00 - Statistical Support For Salmon
Review: RME / AP Category Review
Proposal: RMECAT-1989-107-00
Proposal State: Pending BPA Response
Approved Date: 6/10/2011
Recommendation: Fund
Comments: Implement through FY 2016.

Independent Scientific Review Panel Assessment

Assessment Number: 1989-107-00-ISRP-20101015
Project: 1989-107-00 - Statistical Support For Salmon
Review: RME / AP Category Review
Proposal Number: RMECAT-1989-107-00
Completed Date: 12/17/2010
Final Round ISRP Date: 12/17/2010
Final Round ISRP Rating: Meets Scientific Review Criteria
Final Round ISRP Comment:
The statistical services and products provided by this project make a major contribution to fish-tagging studies by state, federal, tribal, and academic entities throughout the region. The project has provided continuity of statistical support for both as-needed and anticipated needs to multiple parties in the region. The statistical software developed by project personnel is used throughout the region. The proposal identifies project support for four management questions posed by the Council in the MERR plan.

The proposal provides good detail on the technical background and objectives. Results are quantifiable through the impressive number of peer-reviewed papers, technical reports, theses completed, and software programs developed. However, some claims are made in the proposal without sufficient information for evaluation, such as, claiming that the approach used has proven to be the best way without providing documentation, or stating that particular software developed through the program is being used by numerous investigators and agencies without providing a real sense of amount of use or user satisfaction. Methods to evaluate client satisfaction such as summarizing course evaluations, Wiki use levels, timeliness of response to queries and requests for assistance should be identified during contracting.
First Round ISRP Date: 10/18/2010
First Round ISRP Rating: Meets Scientific Review Criteria
First Round ISRP Comment:

The statistical services and products provided by this project make a major contribution to fish-tagging studies by state, federal, tribal, and academic entities throughout the region. The project has provided continuity of statistical support for both as-needed and anticipated needs to multiple parties in the region. The statistical software developed by project personnel is used throughout the region. The proposal identifies project support for four management questions posed by the Council in the MERR plan. The proposal provides good detail on the technical background and objectives. Results are quantifiable through the impressive number of peer-reviewed papers, technical reports, theses completed, and software programs developed. However, some claims are made in the proposal without sufficient information for evaluation, such as, claiming that the approach used has proven to be the best way without providing documentation, or stating that particular software developed through the program is being used by numerous investigators and agencies without providing a real sense of amount of use or user satisfaction. Methods to evaluate client satisfaction such as summarizing course evaluations, Wiki use levels, timeliness of response to queries and requests for assistance should be identified during contracting.

Documentation Links:

2008 FCRPS BiOp Workgroup Assessment

Assessment Number: 1989-107-00-BIOP-20101105
Project Number: 1989-107-00
Review: RME / AP Category Review
Proposal Number: RMECAT-1989-107-00
Completed Date: None
2008 FCRPS BiOp Workgroup Rating: Response Requested
Comments: BiOp Workgroup Comments: The project needs more specificity for IMW statistical design support. As well as clarification on specifics for support of RPA 71.3

The BiOp RM&E Workgroups made the following determinations regarding the proposal's ability or need to support BiOp Research, Monitoring and Evaluation (RME) RPAs. If you have questions regarding these RPA association conclusions, please contact your BPA COTR and they will help clarify, or they will arrange further discussion with the appropriate RM&E Workgroup Leads. BiOp RPA associations for the proposed work are: (50.3 51.2 51.3 52.1 52.2 52.3 52.6 54.1 54.2 54.4 54.7 55.1 55.3 55.4 55.8 55.9 58.3 60.2 61.3 )
All Questionable RPA Associations (71.3) and
All Deleted RPA Associations ( 50.4 71.2 )
Proponent Response:

We appreciate that the BiOp RM&E workgroup concurred with us on 19 RPA associations for this project.  We agree with their proposed deletion of two RPA associations, RPAs 50.4 and 71.2.  However, we would like to provide additional support for our continued association with RPA 71.3. 

  • RPA 71.3, Supporting the standardization and coordination of tagging and monitoring effects through participation and leadership in regional coordination forums such as PNAMP.

It is our goal to raise the quantitative rigor of tagging studies in the FWP.  One of the ways in which we do this is by participating in the regional coordination forums such as the RM&E Hydro workgroup, the regional PIT-tag planning workgroup, and PNAMP. 

This project participated in 2010 in the collaborative effort to produce Chapter 3, Guidelines for Conducting Smolt Survival Studies in the Columbia River, in PNAMP’s Tagging, Telemetry, and Marking Measures for Monitoring Fish Populations Compendium (TTM).  This project also assisted in PNAMP website development efforts and participated in the Data Sharing Workshop to Support Coordinate Assessments on 10/5/2010. This project will continue to promote and participate in efforts to standardize and improve existing tagging studies.

Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review

Council Recommendation

Assessment Number: 1989-107-00-NPCC-20090924
Project: 1989-107-00 - Statistical Support For Salmon
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Approved Date: 10/23/2006
Recommendation: Fund

Independent Scientific Review Panel Assessment

Assessment Number: 1989-107-00-ISRP-20060831
Project: 1989-107-00 - Statistical Support For Salmon
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Completed Date: 8/31/2006
Final Round ISRP Date: None
Final Round ISRP Rating: Meets Scientific Review Criteria
Final Round ISRP Comment:
This is an excellent proposal that clearly describes an important and useful ongoing project. The relationship of this project to other projects is clearly summarized. The proposal provides a list of organizations that have been provided statistical support from this project

The methods are based on sound scientific principles. The project history section of the proposal provides a very impressive and significant list of contributions that this project has accomplished. The results have been reported to the region via a large number of technical reports and peer reviewed papers. There is an impressive history of peer-reviewed publications related to the past activities of the sponsors. Past performance indicates that facilities and personnel are very well qualified.

The evaluation of the success for most of the project activities is stated in terms of method development, computer program development, hours of consulting provided, and number and quality of journals for publications. Lacking is consulting client satisfaction survey information. Although the consulting load and presumable return of clients provides indirect evidence of satisfaction, there may be valuable information for improving quality that may be obtained by surveying all clients, not only those who return regularly. Sponsors should conduct a survey of consulting clients to obtain evidence of satisfaction and to provide information for quality improvement in the future and report the results of this survey in future proposals.
Documentation Links:

Legal Assessment (In-Lieu)

Assessment Number: 1989-107-00-INLIEU-20090521
Project Number: 1989-107-00
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Completed Date: 10/6/2006
In Lieu Rating: Problems Exist
Cost Share Rating: None
Comment: Statistical support provided to fishery investigators through ought the basin, on request; fishery managers, others, authorized/required. Needs cost share or other remedy. Upon review, BPA concludes that the rating could be changed to a "1" if BPA funding were focused on support of either fish and wildlife program or AFEP research or monitoring.

Capital Assessment

Assessment Number: 1989-107-00-CAPITAL-20090618
Project Number: 1989-107-00
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Completed Date: 2/27/2007
Capital Rating: Does Not Qualify for Capital Funding
Capital Asset Category: None
Comment: None

Project Relationships: None

Name Role Organization
Richard Townsend Technical Contact University of Washington
John Skalski Interested Party University of Washington
Christine Petersen Project Manager Bonneville Power Administration
Kristen Jule (Inactive) Supervisor Bonneville Power Administration
Craig Scanlan Administrative Contact University of Washington
Christine Petersen Project SME Bonneville Power Administration
Catherine Clark Env. Compliance Lead Bonneville Power Administration
Rebecca Buchanan Project Lead University of Washington