Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
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Project Summary

Project 1996-005-00 - Independent Science Advisory Board (ISAB)
Project Number:
Independent Science Advisory Board (ISAB)
The ISAB provides independent scientific advice and recommendations on issues related to regional fish and wildlife recovery programs under the Northwest Power Act, the Endangered Species Act, and tribal treaties with the goals of fostering a scientific approach to fish and wildlife recovery as well as ensuring the use of sound scientific methods in the planning and implementation of research related to these programs.
Proponent Orgs:
Northwest Power and Conservation Council (Non-Profit)
Starting FY:
Ending FY:
Implementation - Project Status Report
Province Subbasin %
Basinwide - 100.00%
Regional Coordination
Focal Species:
Chinook - All Populations
Chum - Columbia River ESU
Coho - Lower Columbia River ESU
Coho - Unspecified Population
Cutthroat Trout, Coastal - All Anadromous Populations
Lamprey, Pacific
Lamprey, River
Shad, American
Sockeye - All Populations
Steelhead - All Populations
Sturgeon, Green
Sturgeon, White - Lower Columbia River
Species Benefit:
Anadromous: 33.4%   Resident: 33.3%   Wildlife: 33.3%
BiOp Association:

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Summary of Budgets

To view all expenditures for all fiscal years, click "Project Exp. by FY"

To see more detailed project budget information, please visit the "Project Budget" page

Decided Budget Transfers  (FY2023 - FY2025)

Acct FY Acct Type Amount Fund Budget Decision Date
FY2023 Expense $350,000 From: General FY23 SOY Budget Upload 06/01/2022
FY2024 Expense $350,000 From: General July 25th SOY Upload 07/27/2023
FY2025 Expense $350,000 From: General FY25 SOY 05/31/2024

Pending Budget Decision?  No

Actual Project Cost Share

Current Fiscal Year — 2024   DRAFT
Cost Share Partner Total Proposed Contribution Total Confirmed Contribution
There are no project cost share contributions to show.
Previous Fiscal Years
Fiscal Year Total Contributions % of Budget
2023 $22,500 6%
2022 $15,120 4%
2021 $14,400 4%
2020 $13,700 4%
2019 $13,700 2%
2018 $13,700 2%
2017 $31,716 5%
2016 $33,615 6%
2015 $32,956 6%
2014 $40,695 7%
2013 $39,899 7%
2012 $47,710 8%
2011 $46,775 8%
2009 $44,960 8%
2008 $44,153 7%
2007 $42,455 7%


The table below contains contracts with the following statuses: Active, Closed, Complete, History, Issued.
* "Total Contracted Amount" column includes contracted amount from both capital and expense components of the contract.
Expense Contracts:
Number Contractor Name Title Status Total Contracted Amount Dates
1889 REL 2 SOW Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Foundation 1996-005-00 INDEPENDENT SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD Terminated $678,989 12/1/2000 - 11/30/2001
4030 SOW Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Foundation 1996-005-00 INDEPENDENT SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD Closed $1,421,560 3/20/2001 - 1/31/2005
20955 SOW Northwest Power and Conservation Council 1996 005 00 INDEPENDENT SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD Closed $226,298 1/1/2005 - 9/30/2005
24664 SOW Northwest Power and Conservation Council 1996 005 00 INDEPENDENT SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD Closed $161,765 10/1/2005 - 9/30/2006
29577 SOW Northwest Power and Conservation Council 1996-005-00 INDEPENDENT SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD Closed $283,543 10/1/2006 - 9/30/2007
34625 SOW Northwest Power and Conservation Council 1996-005-00 EXP INDEPENDENT SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD Closed $250,110 10/1/2007 - 9/30/2008
39176 SOW Northwest Power and Conservation Council 1996-005-00 EXP INDEPENDENT SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD Closed $206,866 10/1/2008 - 9/30/2009
44105 SOW Northwest Power and Conservation Council 1996-005-00 EXP INDEPENDENT SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD Closed $496,369 10/1/2009 - 9/30/2010
49441 SOW Northwest Power and Conservation Council 1996-005-00 EXP INDEPENDENT SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD Closed $337,863 10/1/2010 - 9/30/2011
54789 SOW Northwest Power and Conservation Council 1996-005-00 EXP INDEPENDENT SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD Closed $215,615 10/1/2011 - 9/30/2012
58846 SOW Northwest Power and Conservation Council 1996-005-00 EXP INDEPENDENT SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD Closed $302,727 10/1/2012 - 9/30/2013
62679 SOW Northwest Power and Conservation Council 1996-005-00 EXP INDEPENDENT SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD Closed $340,751 10/1/2013 - 9/30/2014
66759 SOW Northwest Power and Conservation Council 1996-005-00 EXP INDEPEDENT SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD Closed $318,412 10/1/2014 - 9/30/2015
70517 SOW Northwest Power and Conservation Council 1996-005-00 EXP INDEPENDENT SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD Closed $263,638 10/1/2015 - 9/30/2016
73869 SOW Northwest Power and Conservation Council 1996-005-00 EXP INDEPENDENT SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD Closed $233,171 10/1/2016 - 9/30/2017
77215 SOW Northwest Power and Conservation Council 1996-005-00 EXP INDEPENDENT SCIENCE ADVISORY BOARD Closed $276,256 10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
80471 SOW Northwest Power and Conservation Council 1996-005-00 EXP INDEPENDENT SCIENCE ADVISORY BOARD Closed $251,966 10/1/2018 - 9/30/2019
83206 SOW Northwest Power and Conservation Council 1996-005-00 EXP INDEPENDENT SCIENCE ADVISORY BOARD Closed $133,259 10/1/2019 - 9/30/2020
86012 SOW Northwest Power and Conservation Council 1996-005-00 EXP INDEPENDENT SCIENCE ADVISORY BOARD Closed $201,991 10/1/2020 - 9/30/2021
88589 SOW Northwest Power and Conservation Council 1996-005-00 EXP INDEPENDENT SCIENCE ADVISORY BOARD Closed $340,788 10/1/2021 - 9/30/2022
90753 SOW Northwest Power and Conservation Council 1996-005-00 EXP INDEPENDENT SCIENCE ADVISORY BOARD Closed $231,830 10/1/2022 - 9/30/2023
93179 SOW Northwest Power and Conservation Council 1996-005-00 EXP FY24 INDEPENDENT SCIENCE ADVISORY BOARD Issued $350,000 10/1/2023 - 9/30/2024
95428 SOW Northwest Power and Conservation Council 1996-005-00 EXP FY25 INDEPENDENT SCIENCE ADVISORY BOARD Issued $350,000 10/1/2024 - 9/30/2025

Annual Progress Reports
Expected (since FY2004):22
On time:21
Status Reports
On time:67
Avg Days Early:8

                Count of Contract Deliverables
Earliest Contract Subsequent Contracts Title Contractor Earliest Start Latest End Latest Status Accepted Reports Complete Green Yellow Red Total % Green and Complete Canceled
20955 24664, 29577, 34625, 39176, 44105, 49441, 54789, 58846, 62679, 66759, 70517, 73869, 77215, 80471, 83206, 86012, 88589, 90753, 93179, 95428 1996-005-00 EXP FY25 INDEPENDENT SCIENCE ADVISORY BOARD Northwest Power and Conservation Council 01/01/2005 09/30/2025 Issued 75 56 3 0 0 59 100.00% 1
Project Totals 75 56 3 0 0 59 100.00% 1

The table content is updated frequently and thus contains more recent information than what was in the original proposal reviewed by ISRP and Council.

Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review

Council Recommendation

Assessment Number: 1996-005-00-NPCC-20090924
Project: 1996-005-00 - Independent Science Advisory Board (ISAB)
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Approved Date: 10/23/2006
Recommendation: Fund
Comments: Fund out of the ISAB/ISRP placeholder.

Independent Scientific Review Panel Assessment

Assessment Number: 1996-005-00-ISRP-20060831
Project: 1996-005-00 - Independent Science Advisory Board (ISAB)
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Completed Date: 8/31/2006
Final Round ISRP Date: None
Final Round ISRP Rating: Not Applicable
Final Round ISRP Comment:
Documentation Links:

Legal Assessment (In-Lieu)

Assessment Number: 1996-005-00-INLIEU-20090521
Project Number: 1996-005-00
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Completed Date: 10/6/2006
In Lieu Rating: Problems Exist
Cost Share Rating: None
Comment: Independent science review for Council, NMFS, and CRITFC. Because services provided to NMFS and CRITFC, who are authorized to support, this needs cost share or other remedy.

Capital Assessment

Assessment Number: 1996-005-00-CAPITAL-20090618
Project Number: 1996-005-00
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Completed Date: 2/27/2007
Capital Rating: Does Not Qualify for Capital Funding
Capital Asset Category: None
Comment: None

Project Relationships: None

Name Role Organization
Erik Merrill Project Lead Northwest Power and Conservation Council
Summer Goodwin Project Manager Bonneville Power Administration