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Province | Subbasin | % |
Columbia Plateau | Yakima | 100.00% |
Description: Page: 11 Figure B-1: Extent of multispectral imagery acquired for each floodplain reach. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 539 x 673 Description: Page: 13 Figure B-2A: Picture showing ADP and GPS mounted on the front of a Jet Boat. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 478 x 359 Description: Page: 14 Figure B-2B: Picture showing ADP and GPS mounted on the side of a raft. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 540 x 720 Description: Page: 16 Figure B-4: 1 meter contour intervals derived from the 30 m2 DEM data available from the U.S.G.S overlain on the multispectral imagery from the Union Gap reach. The contour intervals that overlay the water surface allow a first order estimate of river slope. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 450 x 572 Description: Page: 17 Figure B-5: A plot of the standard deviation of stream power, within the main channel of the Union Gap reach, modeled with a GIS using multispectral imagery, ADP data and slope derived from USGS 30m2 DEM data. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 618 x 789 Description: Page: 18 Figure B-6: Stream power modeled from 1999 multispectral imagery for the Nyack flood plain in Northwest Montana. The yellow dotted line within box A shows the position of the 2001 channel bank due to erosion in the area of highest relative stream power. Bank erosion is also active in areas of high relative stream power plotted in box B. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 825 x 1065 Description: Page: 20 Figure B-7: Example of survey transect lines (yellow dots) covering various habitat features easily classified with the multispectral imagery to enable a correlation of elevation relative to the water surface of the main channel and slope between cover type features. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 788 x 967 Description: Page: 21 Figure B-8a: A multispectral image showing an overlay of modeled topography (far left panel). A comparison of a modeled flood discharge (dark blue) to actual flood of 1996 (light blue) based on the modeled topography (middle panel). The spatial distribution of shear stress in the flood plain corresponding to the modeled flood discharge shown in the middle panel (far right panel). Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 425 x 655 Description: Page: 21 Figure B-8b: A multispectral image showing an overlay of modeled topography (far left panel). A comparison of a modeled flood discharge (dark blue) to actual flood of 1996 (light blue) based on the modeled topography (middle panel). The spatial distribution of shear stress in the flood plain corresponding to the modeled flood discharge shown in the middle panel (far right panel). Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 412 x 615 Description: Page: 21 Figure B-8c: A multispectral image showing an overlay of modeled topography (far left panel). A comparison of a modeled flood discharge (dark blue) to actual flood of 1996 (light blue) based on the modeled topography (middle panel). The spatial distribution of shear stress in the flood plain corresponding to the modeled flood discharge shown in the middle panel (far right panel). Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 416 x 655 Description: Page: 24 Figure B-10: An example of a final map for the Wapato reach with the avulsion nodes and zones of potential geomorphic work overlaid on to the multispectral image. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 906 x 1018 Description: Page: 26 Figure B-11: The 1999 multispectral image of the Naches flood plain showing the area within the red lines used to determine the volume of sediment. Modeled topography, the above lateral boundaries and depth of the deepest scour pool were used as constraints in the volume estimation. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 819 x 956 Description: Page: 27 Figure B-12: A 1942 photograph of the Naches flood plain showing an overlay of the 1999 present channel (yellow stippled area). The cut-volume of sediment was estimated for those areas corresponding to the present channel positions that cut through the 1942 flood plain. Those historical volume estimates are listed in Table 1. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 902 x 988 Description: Page: 30 Figure B-14: A photograph from the Cle Elum reach showing areas of high relative stream power and the corresponding length of bank (yellow stippled area). The volume of sediment available from these bank areas was estimated for bank-full discharge for each reach assuming 1 m of lateral erosion. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 575 x 715 Description: Page: 33 Figure B-15: A plot of the spatial distribution of potential mobility during bank-full discharge for the Kittitas reach. The red areas are where ? == 1 indicating the potential for sediment movement. The yellow box is an area where the channel is steep and armored with larger cobbles and hence, mobility is over predicted. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 792 x 1125 Description: Page: 50 Figure C-1: Extent of multispectral imagery acquired for each floodplain reach. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 738 x 860 Description: Page: 54 Figure C-3: Example of ADP run and velocity classification within the Union Gap reach. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 388 x 481 Description: Page: 55 Figure C-4: Example of channel complexity metric (separations and returns) as observed in the Union Gap reach. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 452 x 631 Description: Page: 58 Figure C-6a: Channel types and channel complexity measures. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 743 x 578 Description: Page: 61 Figure C-7a: Channel and water body types. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 839 x 1145 Description: Page: 62 Figure C-7b: Channel complexity measures. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 817 x 1215 Description: Page: 65 Figure C-8a: Channel and water body types. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 899 x 1141 Description: Page: 66 Figure C-8b: Channel complexity measures. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 901 x 1242 Description: Page: 69 Figure C-9a: Channel and water body types. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 900 x 1132 Description: Page: 70 Figure C-9b: Channel complexity measures. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 900 x 1168 Description: Page: 73 Figure C-10a: Channel and water body types. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 873 x 1117 Description: Page: 74 Figure C-10b: Channel complexity measures. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 864 x 1219 Description: Page: 77 Figure C-11a: Channel and water body types for the Wapato (north) reach. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 943 x 1108 Description: Page: 78 Figure C-11b: Channel and water body types for the Wapato (south) reach. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 1062 x 1154 Description: Page: 79 Figure C-11c: Channel complexity measures for the Wapato (north) reach. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 957 x 1175 Description: Page: 80 Figure C-11d: Channel complexity measures for the Wapato (south) reach. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 900 x 1091 Description: Page: 90 Figure D-1: Base map of the Yakima Basin showing various ecoregions and some of the irrigation canals. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 1216 x 963 Description: Page: 92 Figure D-3: Location of groundwater subbasins separated by natural knick points and longer canyons. Yellow highlights represent the distribution of recent (Quaternary) sedimentary deposits plus the older Ellensburg formations. Basin and subbasin identification from Kinnison and Sceva (1963). Not all basins or subbasins are identified. Red lines with arrows indicate withdrawals, canals and returns (from Snyder and Stanford 2001). Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 827 x 653 Description: Page: 98 Figure D-5a: Base map of the Cle Elum reach. Insets are shown in the following figures. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 901 x 574 Description: Page: 99 Figure D-5b: CLE ELUM 1 Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 609 x 496 Description: Page: 99 Figure D-5c: CLE ELUM 2 Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 945 x 912 Description: Page: 100 Figure D-5d: CLE ELUM 3 Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 664 x 779 Description: Page: 101 Figure D-6a: Base map of the Kittitas reach. Insets are shown in the following two figures. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 1169 x 1572 Description: Page: 102 Figure D-6b: KITTITAS 1 Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 784 x 984 Description: Page: 103 Figure D-6c: KITTITAS 2 Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 1032 x 1189 Description: Page: 104 Figure D-7a: Base map of the Union Gap reach. Insets (Union Gap 1 and 2) are shown in the following two figures. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 867 x 1545 Description: Page: 105 Figure D-7b: UNION GAP 1 Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 726 x 752 Description: Page: 105 Figure D-7c: UNION GAP 2 Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 1352 x 946 Description: Page: 106 Figure D-8a: Base map of Wapato reach (north). The inset is shown in a following figure. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 826 x 860 Description: Page: 107 Figure D-8b: WAPATO 1 Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 990 x 970 Description: Page: 108 Figure D-8c: Wapato flood plain (south) Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 996 x 883 Description: Page: 109 Figure D-8d: WAPATO 2 Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 912 x 848 Description: Page: 109 Figure D-8e: WAPATO 3 Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 898 x 868 Description: Page: 110 Figure D-9a: Base map of the Naches reach. Insets are shown in proceeding figures. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 1168 x 1351 Description: Page: 111 Figure D-9b: NACHES 1 Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 793 x 933 Description: Page: 112 Figure D-9c: NACHES 2 Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 680 x 664 Description: Page: 112 Figure D-9d: NACHES 3 Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 776 x 710 Description: Page: 113 Figure D-9e: NACHES 2 Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 1068 x 669 Description: Page: 113 Photo 1: No caption provided. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 358 x 481 Description: Page: 113 Photo 2: No caption provided. Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 330 x 480 Description: Page: 146 Figure D-29a: Connectivity in Union Gap at average August base flow (1984). Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 999 x 1306 Description: Page: 147 Figure D-29b: Connectivity in Union Gap at average base flow plus Roza irrigation water. Connectivity is greatly increased (80%) as expected given the significant increase in discharge (from 3206 to 4137 cfs). Improvement in irrigation efficiencies would only account for a minor increase in discharge (from 3206 to 3233 cfs). Project(s): 1997-047-00 Document: 00005854-1 Dimensions: 995 x 1337 |
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Number | Contractor Name | Title | Status | Total Contracted Amount | Dates |
522 REL 1
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Yakama Confederated Tribes | 199704700 YAKIMA BASIN SIDE CHANNEKL SURVEY AND REHABILITATION | Terminated | $232,663 | 11/13/1997 - 8/21/2001 |
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Yakama Confederated Tribes | 1997-047-00 YAKIMA BASIN SIDE CHANNEL SURVEY & REHABILITATION | History | $106,685 | 6/30/2000 - 1/31/2003 |
Annual Progress Reports | |
Expected (since FY2004): | 0 |
Completed: | 0 |
On time: | 0 |
Status Reports | |
Completed: | 0 |
On time: | 0 |
Avg Days Late: | None |
Name | Role | Organization |
David Byrnes (Inactive) | Project Manager | Bonneville Power Administration |