Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
RSS Feed for updates to Project 2007-038-00 - Preserving/Enhancing Bull Trout and Westslope Cutthroat Trout within the Upper Pend Oreille Basin Follow this via RSS feed. Help setting up RSS feeds?

Project Summary

Project 2007-038-00 - Preserving/Enhancing Bull Trout and Westslope Cutthroat Trout within the Upper Pend Oreille Basin
Project Number:
Preserving/Enhancing Bull Trout and Westslope Cutthroat Trout within the Upper Pend Oreille Basin
This project will try to identify populations of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout for restoration and conservation purposes. We will also try to identify the limiting factors associated with westslope cutthroat trout population declines.
Proponent Orgs:
Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) (Govt - State)
Starting FY:
Ending FY:
Province Subbasin %
Intermountain Pend Oreille 100.00%
RM and E
Focal Species:
Species Benefit:
Anadromous: 0.0%   Resident: 100.0%   Wildlife: 0.0%
BiOp Association:

No photos have been uploaded yet for this Project.

The table content is updated frequently and thus contains more recent information than what was in the original proposal reviewed by ISRP and Council.

Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review

Council Recommendation

Assessment Number: 2007-038-00-NPCC-20090924
Project: 2007-038-00 - Preserving/Enhancing Bull Trout and Westslope Cutthroat Trout within the Upper Pend Oreille Basin
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Approved Date: 10/23/2006
Recommendation: Fund

Independent Scientific Review Panel Assessment

Assessment Number: 2007-038-00-ISRP-20060831
Project: 2007-038-00 - Preserving/Enhancing Bull Trout and Westslope Cutthroat Trout within the Upper Pend Oreille Basin
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Completed Date: 8/31/2006
Final Round ISRP Date: None
Final Round ISRP Rating: Meets Scientific Review Criteria
Final Round ISRP Comment:
This proposal is for a new project to assess the status of bull and westslope cutthroat trout in the Upper Pend Oreille Basin and to develop a plan to manage for them and for a sport fishery. The proposal is well developed in its problem review and analysis. It establishes adequate rationale and significance to regional programs, and it explains the relationship to other projects. It states an overall goal of ensuring self-sustaining populations of these species, as well as a single objective of securing abundances of these fishes that will support numerically specified annual sport harvests.

Although the overall project concept and goal were mostly worthy as expressed in the proposal, and the sponsors have the necessary techniques well in mind, the ISRP felt a response was needed to include better consideration of future monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of management. The proposal's M&E section was not specific enough, and even though the management plan did not yet exist, the sponsors still needed to discuss how they would go about devising the M&E element of it.

The response was appropriate to the stage of project development. The example data support their contentions. The sponsor has the multifaceted basis for appropriate M&E well in mind and, in fact, already has been doing some of the needed measurements routinely on streams that are involved.
Documentation Links:

Legal Assessment (In-Lieu)

Assessment Number: 2007-038-00-INLIEU-20090521
Project Number: 2007-038-00
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Completed Date: 10/6/2006
In Lieu Rating: Problems May Exist
Cost Share Rating: 3 - Does not appear reasonable
Comment: Population analysis, limiting factors; fishery managers, Avista authorized/required.

Capital Assessment

Assessment Number: 2007-038-00-CAPITAL-20090618
Project Number: 2007-038-00
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Completed Date: 2/27/2007
Capital Rating: Does Not Qualify for Capital Funding
Capital Asset Category: None
Comment: None

Project Relationships: None