Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
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Project Summary

Project 2009-016-00 - Washington Estuary Accord Planning & Development
Project Number:
Washington Estuary Accord Planning & Development
WDFW Estuary MOA Umbrella Project 2009-016-00

This Project Description is the Umbrella Project Statement of Work (BPA Project 2009-016-00 SOW) that describes the work to be conducted by WDFW – via BPA Funding – to scope and develop the estuary habitat Restoration Projects called for in the Estuary MOA. An Inter-Governmental Contract will be developed by BPA to procure the services of WDFW and subcontractor(s) to perform the work described in this SOW.

BPA will execute an umbrella contract with Washington’s designated implementing agency -- WDFW -- providing up to $250,000 each year for transaction costs. Upon completion of planning, development and execution of partnering agreements for estuary projects for implementation under this Agreement, any additional transaction costs (if any) would be transitioned from the umbrella contract to the Corps projects addressed in this Agreement. The Estuary MOA between Washington and Federal Action Agencies

The Estuary Habitat MOA

The federal Action Agencies that operate the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS) have asked the state of Washington to join in a partnership to expedite habitat restoration efforts for salmon and steelhead in the Columbia River Estuary below Bonneville Dam . On September 16, 2009 the Washington Governor and Director of Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) signed the Estuary Habitat Memorandum of Agreement (Estuary MOA) with the Action Agencies.

The Estuary MOA establishes a nine-year funding arrangement for habitat restoration in the lower Columbia River. Under the Estuary MOA, the three federal Action Agencies would provide an additional $40.5 million for estuary habitat improvements over the next nine years ($4.5 million each year). This is over and above the $49.5 million the federal agencies have already dedicated to habitat restoration in the estuary over the 10-year course of the 2008 FCRPS Biological Opinion (BiOp). Total federal commitments to habitat restoration in the estuary would increase to $90 million over the next nine years under the Estuary MOA.

Authority to Conduct Habitat Restoration under the Corps Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) Authority

Under Section 536 (WRDA 2000), the Corps can construct ecosystem restoration projects for the lower Columbia River estuary to protect, monitor and restore fish habitat. This authority requires a non-Federal cost share sponsorship, in which the sponsor pays 35% and the Corps is responsible for 65% of the total costs to plan and construct the projects. The non-Federal sponsor (or local sponsor) is responsible for all lands, easement and rights-of-ways, of which value will be credited toward the local (non-Federal) cost- share. In addition, the local sponsor is responsible for all future operation and maintenance costs.
A feasibility study to formulate an estuary habitat project under the Corps' 536 Program is cost shared equally (50 percent/50 percent) between the Corps of Engineers and the non-Federal sponsor. One hundred percent of the non-Federal share may be contributed as in-kind products or services. The feasibility study results in recommendations for the design and construction of the habitat actions, and identifies the responsibilities of the Federal and non-Federal sponsor during design and construction.

Under Section 204 (WRDA 1992), the Corps can cost share with willing local sponsors the incremental costs above the least cost Federal standard to create estuarine habitat (beneficial use) from material dredged for a federal navigation project. Incremental costs could result from increased distances to disposal site, requiring different equipment or special handling/rehandling techniques or additional features to help stabilize dredged material at a placement site. The Corps will pay 75% of the incremental costs and the sponsor is required to pay the remaining 25%.

The Corps will consult with Washington to ensure that Corps projects and related RM&E implemented under these authorities will contribute to the objectives of the Estuary MOA, including projects (or types of projects) identified for funding.

For projects where the State of Washington is a sponsor, before project approval, the Parties will meet to discuss and address projected operation and maintenance (O&M) requirements and any potential liability exposure arising from project implementation. Operation and maintenance costs may be paid for as agreed by the Parties, on a project- by-project basis, from the BPA portion of the funding in this MOA. Risk management issues will also be discussed and addressed by the Parties as needed, prior to project selection.
Proponent Orgs:
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) (Govt - State)
Starting FY:
Ending FY:
Province Subbasin %
Columbia River Estuary Columbia Estuary 100.00%
Local Coordination
Focal Species:
Chinook - All Populations
Chinook - Lower Columbia River ESU
Chum - Columbia River ESU
Coho - Lower Columbia River ESU
Sockeye - All Populations
Sockeye - Snake River ESU
Steelhead - All Populations
Steelhead - Lower Columbia River DPS
Species Benefit:
Anadromous: 100.0%   Resident: 0.0%   Wildlife: 0.0%
BiOp Association:
FCRPS 2008 – view list of FCRPS 2008 BiOp Actions

Estuary Habitat Implementation 2010 to 2018

No photos have been uploaded yet for this Project.

Summary of Budgets

To view all expenditures for all fiscal years, click "Project Exp. by FY"

To see more detailed project budget information, please visit the "Project Budget" page

No Decided Budget Transfers

Pending Budget Decision?  No

Actual Project Cost Share

Current Fiscal Year — 2025
Cost Share Partner Total Proposed Contribution Total Confirmed Contribution
There are no project cost share contributions to show.
Previous Fiscal Years
Fiscal Year Total Contributions % of Budget
There are no cost share summaries to display from previous years.


The table below contains contracts with the following statuses: Active, Closed, Complete, History, Issued.
* "Total Contracted Amount" column includes contracted amount from both capital and expense components of the contract.
Expense Contracts:
Number Contractor Name Title Status Total Contracted Amount Dates
45173 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 200901600 EXP WASHINGTON ESTUARY ACCORD PLAN History $322,587 7/1/2009 - 7/31/2010

Annual Progress Reports
Expected (since FY2004):1
On time:1
Status Reports
On time:0
Avg Days Late:52

                Count of Contract Deliverables
Earliest Contract Subsequent Contracts Title Contractor Earliest Start Latest End Latest Status Accepted Reports Complete Green Yellow Red Total % Green and Complete Canceled
45173 200901600 EXP WASHINGTON ESTUARY ACCORD PLAN Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 07/01/2009 07/31/2010 History 4 8 0 0 2 10 80.00% 4
Project Totals 4 8 0 0 2 10 80.00% 4

The table content is updated frequently and thus contains more recent information than what was in the original proposal reviewed by ISRP and Council.

No assessments are available for this project.
Project Relationships: None

Name Role Organization
Steven Vigg (Inactive) Project Lead Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
Sandra Ackley (Inactive) Env. Compliance Lead Bonneville Power Administration
Guy Norman Supervisor Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
Marchelle Foster Project Manager Bonneville Power Administration
Lisa Veneroso Supervisor Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
Donald Rose (Inactive) Interested Party Bonneville Power Administration
Jeffrey Stier (Inactive) Supervisor Bonneville Power Administration