Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
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Project Summary

Project 1995-063-25 - Yakima River Monitoring and Evaluation-Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP)

Please Note: This project is the product of one or more merges and/or splits from other projects. Historical data automatically included here are limited to the current project and previous generation (the “parent” projects) only. The Project Relationships section details the nature of the relationships between this project and the previous generation. To learn about the complete ancestry of this project, please review the Project Relationships section on the Project Summary page of each parent project.

Project Number:
Yakima River Monitoring and Evaluation-Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP)
This statement of work covers the share of the monitoring and evaluation activities under this project for the Yakima River Subbasin assigned to the Yakama Nation Fisheries staff.
For additional information on the overall YKFP projects (M&E, Production, and Management), please see the following annual report at BPA's publication web site: DOE # 6215.3, "Short Project Overview of Spring Chinook Salmon Supplementation in the Upper Yakima Basin: Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project."
Proponent Orgs:
Yakama Confederated Tribes (Tribe)
Starting FY:
Ending FY:
Implementation - Project Status Report
Province Subbasin %
Columbia Plateau Yakima 100.00%
Artificial Production
RM and E
Focal Species:
All Anadromous Fish
Bass, Smallmouth
Chinook - All Populations
Chinook - Lower Columbia River ESU
Chinook - Mid-Columbia River Spring ESU
Chinook - Upper Columbia River Summer/Fall ESU
Coho - Lower Columbia River ESU
Coho - Unspecified Population
Cutthroat Trout, Coastal - All Anadromous Populations
Cutthroat Trout, Westslope
Freshwater Mussels
Lamprey, Pacific
Other Resident
Pikeminnow, Northern
Sockeye - Other
Steelhead - All Populations
Steelhead - Lower Columbia River DPS
Steelhead - Middle Columbia River DPS
Trout, Brook
Trout, Brown
Trout, Bull
Trout, Interior Redband
Trout, Lake
Trout, Rainbow
Whitefish, Mountain
Species Benefit:
Anadromous: 100.0%   Resident: 0.0%   Wildlife: 0.0%
<a href="/Tag.mvc/Display/90" title="view more information about the tag RM&amp;E Plus Cat. Review - Submitted and Reviewed (Public Tags)">RM&amp;E Plus Cat. Review - Submitted and Reviewed (Public Tags)</a><br /><a href="/Tag.mvc/Display/115" title="view more information about the tag WA - by WE Location Expenditure (Public Tags)">WA - by WE Location Expenditure (Public Tags)</a><br /><a href="/Tag.mvc/Display/122" title="view more information about the tag RME/AP Categorical Review (Public Tags)">RME/AP Categorical Review (Public Tags)</a><br /><a href="/Tag.mvc/Display/152" title="view more information about the tag Council Recommended Projects (Public Tags)">Council Recommended Projects (Public Tags)</a><br /><a href="/Tag.mvc/Display/161" title="view more information about the tag 2021 Anadromous Fish Habitat and Hatchery Review (Public Tags)">2021 Anadromous Fish Habitat and Hatchery Review (Public Tags)</a><br />
BiOp Association:
FCRPS 2008 - view list of FCRPS 2008 BiOp Actions

Description: Page: 50 Figure 14: Yakima River Piscivorous Fish Populations Study Areas.

Project(s): 1995-063-25

Document: P122475

Dimensions: 904 x 699

Description: Page: 52 Figure 15: PIT tag survey sites (Includes Great Blue Heron Rookeries).

Project(s): 1995-063-25

Document: P122475

Dimensions: 1428 x 1102

Description: Page: 66 Figure A-1: Yakima River Basin.

Project(s): 1995-063-25

Document: P122475

Dimensions: 671 x 667

Description: Page: 200 Appendix G Cover: No caption provided.

Project(s): 1995-063-25

Document: P122475

Dimensions: 318 x 458

Description: Page: 208 Figure G-1: Yakima River Basin with locations of surveyed river reaches

Project(s): 1995-063-25

Document: P122475

Dimensions: 1311 x 1696

Description: Page: 211 Figure G-2: Yakima River Basin with locations of hotspots (Chandler & Horn Rapids), Spring Chinook acclimation sites, and areas of concern of high concentrations of piscivorous birds.

Project(s): 1995-063-25

Document: P122475

Dimensions: 850 x 1100

Description: Page: 219 Figure G-6b: A breeding pair of Common Mergansers

Project(s): 1995-063-25

Document: P122475

Dimensions: 800 x 479

Description: Page: 224 Figure G-10: YKFP PIT Tag Survey Sites

Project(s): 1995-063-25

Document: P122475

Dimensions: 1513 x 1169

Description: Page: 225 Figure G-11: Selah Great Blue Heron Rookery

Project(s): 1995-063-25

Document: P122475

Dimensions: 1362 x 1053

Description: Page: 231 Figure G-20: Map of Yakima Basin Great Blue Heron Rookeries

Project(s): 1995-063-25

Document: P122475

Dimensions: 1428 x 1104

Description: Boxes and Transceivers for PIT tag antenna install at roza dam fish ladder



Dimensions: 3072 x 2304

Description: PIT tag antennas installed in ladder



Dimensions: 3072 x 2304

Description: Denil placed in outfall of prosser hatchery



Dimensions: 3072 x 2304

Description: denil in prosser hatchery outfall



Dimensions: 3072 x 2304

Description: denil in prosser hatchery outfall



Dimensions: 3072 x 2304

Summary of Budgets

To view all expenditures for all fiscal years, click "Project Exp. by FY"

To see more detailed project budget information, please visit the "Project Budget" page

Decided Budget Transfers  (FY2024 - FY2026)

Acct FY Acct Type Amount Fund Budget Decision Date
FY2024 Expense $5,731,098 From: Fish Accord - LRT - Yakama Yakama Tribe (YN) 2023-2025 Accord Extension 09/30/2022
FY2024 Expense $107,449 From: Fish Accord - LRT - Yakama Accord Transfers (YN) 4/23/24 04/24/2024
FY2024 Expense $6,839 From: Fish Accord - LRT - Yakama Accord Transfers (YN) 5/31/2024 05/31/2024
FY2024 Expense $2,328 From: Fish Accord - LRT - Yakama Accord Transfers (YN) 10/16/2024 10/16/2024
FY2024 Expense $12,672 From: Fish Accord - LRT - Yakama Accord Transfers (YN) 10/16/2024 10/16/2024
FY2025 Expense $5,874,375 From: Fish Accord - LRT - Yakama Yakama Tribe (YN) 2023-2025 Accord Extension 09/30/2022

Pending Budget Decision?  No

Actual Project Cost Share

Current Fiscal Year — 2025   DRAFT
Cost Share Partner Total Proposed Contribution Total Confirmed Contribution
There are no project cost share contributions to show.
Previous Fiscal Years
Fiscal Year Total Contributions % of Budget
2024 $230,000 (Draft) 4% (Draft)
2023 $230,000 4%
2022 $150,000 3%
2021 $230,000 4%


The table below contains contracts with the following statuses: Active, Closed, Complete, History, Issued.
* "Total Contracted Amount" column includes contracted amount from both capital and expense components of the contract.
Expense Contracts:
Number Contractor Name Title Status Total Contracted Amount Dates
4 REL 1 SOW Aer-Ex, Inc. 1995-063-25 SPAWNING CHANNEL History $116,848 4/18/2000 - 3/3/2003
4 REL 2 SOW Aer-Ex, Inc. 1995-063-25 SPAWNING CHANNEL Closed $42,899 7/18/2000 - 3/3/2003
4737 SOW US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) 1995-063-025 YKFP M&E Closed $541,216 3/1/2001 - 12/31/2003
5881 SOW Yakama Confederated Tribes 1995-063-25 YKFP - MONITORING & EVALUATION Closed $5,120,931 4/1/2001 - 4/30/2003
347 REL 6 SOW CH2M-Hill, Inc. 1995-063-25 CLE ELUM HATCHERY SPAWNING CHANNEL REHABILITATION Closed $59,869 6/28/2001 - 5/31/2002
13769 SOW Yakama Confederated Tribes 1995-063-25 YKFP MONITORING & EVALUATION Closed $2,299,982 5/1/2003 - 4/30/2004
13756 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 1995-063-25 YKFP SUPPLEMENTATION M & E Closed $974,531 5/1/2003 - 4/30/2004
17478 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 1995-063-25 YKFP MONITORING AND EVALUATION Closed $1,095,052 5/1/2004 - 4/30/2005
17635 SOW Yakama Confederated Tribes 1995-063-25 YKFP - YAKAMA NATION MONITORING AND EVALUATION Closed $2,619,202 5/1/2004 - 4/30/2005
22096 SOW US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) 1995-063-25 YKFP MONITORING & EVALUATION - USFWS MARKING Closed $86,105 4/1/2005 - 9/30/2005
22370 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 1995-063-25 YKFP MONITORING & EVALUATION Closed $939,389 5/1/2005 - 4/30/2006
22449 SOW Yakama Confederated Tribes 1995-063-25 YKFP MONITORING & EVALUATION/YAKIMA RIVER Closed $2,770,893 5/1/2005 - 4/30/2006
26603 SOW US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) 199506325 EXP YKFP M&E - USFWS MARKING Closed $94,632 3/1/2006 - 9/30/2006
27798 SOW Yakama Confederated Tribes 1995-063-25 EXP YKFP YN MONITORING & EVALUATION/YAKIMA RIVER Closed $2,771,729 5/1/2006 - 4/30/2007
27871 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 1995-063-25 EXP YKFP YAKIMA R MONITORING AND EVALUATION (WDFW) Closed $940,428 5/1/2006 - 4/30/2007
58 REL 34 SOW Concannon, Kathleen A EXP YKFP MGMT History $12,563 5/12/2006 - 9/30/2007
BPA-003716 Bonneville Power Administration PIT Tags - YKFP - Monitoring And Evaluati Active $284,034 10/1/2006 - 9/30/2007
35037 SOW Yakama Confederated Tribes 1995-063-25 EXP YKFP YN MONITORING & EVALUATION/YAKIMA R Closed $2,834,892 5/1/2007 - 4/30/2008
34450 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 1995-063-25 EXP YKFP YAKIMA R MONITORING & EVALUATION (WDFW) Closed $1,039,814 5/1/2007 - 4/30/2008
BPA-004334 Bonneville Power Administration PIT Tags - YKFP Monitoring & Evaluation Active $367,104 10/1/2007 - 9/30/2008
37649 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 1995-063-25 EXP YKFP YAKIMA R MONITORING & EVALUATION (WDFW) Closed $1,041,308 5/1/2008 - 4/30/2009
37822 SOW Yakama Confederated Tribes 1995-063-25 EXP YKFP YN MONITORING & EVALUATION YAKIMA RIVER History $3,008,344 5/1/2008 - 7/31/2009
BPA-004580 Bonneville Power Administration PIT Tags - Yakima River M&E Active $375,596 10/1/2008 - 9/30/2009
23377 REL 1 SOW CH2M-Hill, Inc. CH2M HILL -- YKFP M&E FACILITY DESIGN REVIEW & INSPECTION Closed $6,082 10/20/2008 - 6/30/2009
42445 SOW Yakama Confederated Tribes 1995-063-25 EXP YKFP YN MONITORING & EVALUATION YAKIMA RIVER Closed $6,332,521 5/1/2009 - 4/30/2011
42861 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 199506325 EXP YKFP YAKIMA R MONITORING & EVALUATION (WDFW) Closed $2,113,769 5/1/2009 - 4/30/2011
BPA-004581 Bonneville Power Administration PIT Tags - Yakima River M&E Active $365,040 10/1/2009 - 9/30/2010
BPA-005709 Bonneville Power Administration PIT Tags - Yakima River M&E Active $358,169 10/1/2010 - 9/30/2011
54321 SOW Yakama Confederated Tribes 1995-063-25 EXP YKFP YAKIMA RIVER MONITORING AND EVALUATION Closed $7,306,387 5/1/2011 - 4/30/2013
53279 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 1995-063-25 EXP YKFP (WDFW) YAKIMA RIVER MONITORING & EVALUATION Closed $2,210,635 5/1/2011 - 4/30/2013
BPA-005923 Bonneville Power Administration PIT Tags - Yakima River M&E Active $334,528 10/1/2011 - 9/30/2012
BPA-006944 Bonneville Power Administration PIT Tags - Yakima River M&E Active $316,328 10/1/2012 - 9/30/2013
56662 REL 22 SOW Yakama Confederated Tribes 1995-063-25 EXP YKFP YAKIMA RIVER MONITORING AND EVALUATION Closed $3,432,337 5/1/2013 - 4/30/2014
61480 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 1995-063-25 EXP YKFP (WDFW) YAKIMA RIVER MONITORING & EVALUATION Closed $1,098,568 5/1/2013 - 4/30/2014
BPA-007660 Bonneville Power Administration PIT Tags - Yakima River M&E Active $313,341 10/1/2013 - 9/30/2014
65604 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 1995-063-25 EXP YKFP (WDFW) YAKIMA RIVER MONITORING & EVALUATION Closed $1,070,333 5/1/2014 - 4/30/2015
56662 REL 68 SOW Yakama Confederated Tribes 1995-063-25 EXP YKFP YAKIMA RIVER MONITORING AND EVALUATION Closed $3,515,407 5/1/2014 - 4/30/2015
BPA-008387 Bonneville Power Administration PIT Tags - Yakima River M&E Active $312,438 10/1/2014 - 9/30/2015
56662 REL 85 SOW Yakama Confederated Tribes 1995-063-25 EXP YKFP YAKIMA RIVER MONITORING & EVALUATION Closed $3,818,838 4/1/2015 - 7/31/2016
69084 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 1995-063-25 EXP YKFP-WDFW YAKIMA RIVER MONITORING AND EVALUATION Closed $1,100,000 5/1/2015 - 4/30/2016
BPA-009108 Bonneville Power Administration PIT Tags - Yakima River M&E Active $308,979 10/1/2015 - 9/30/2016
56662 REL 108 SOW Yakama Confederated Tribes 1995-063-25 EXP YKFP YAKIMA RIVER MONITORING & EVALUATION Closed $3,460,837 5/1/2016 - 4/30/2017
72482 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 1995-063-25 EXP YKFP-WDFW YAKIMA RIVER MONITORING & EVALUATION Closed $1,099,685 5/1/2016 - 4/30/2017
BPA-009527 Bonneville Power Administration PIT Tags - Yakima River M&E Active $311,958 10/1/2016 - 9/30/2017
56662 REL 135 SOW Yakama Confederated Tribes 1995-063-25 EXP YKFP YAKIMA RIVER MONITORING & EVALUATION Closed $3,878,938 5/1/2017 - 4/30/2018
75796 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 1995-063-25 EXP YFKP-WDFW YAKIMA RIVER MONITORING & EVALUAT Closed $1,098,134 5/1/2017 - 4/30/2018
BPA-010056 Bonneville Power Administration PIT Tags - Yakima River M&E Active $312,803 10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
56662 REL 160 SOW Yakama Confederated Tribes 1995-063-25 EXP YAKIMA RIVER M&E - YKFP Closed $3,473,210 5/1/2018 - 4/30/2019
74314 REL 34 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 1995-063-25 EXP YKFP-WDFW YAKIMA RIVER MONITORING & EVALUATION Closed $1,036,809 5/1/2018 - 4/30/2019
BPA-010726 Bonneville Power Administration PIT Tags - Yakima River M&E Active $326,359 10/1/2018 - 9/30/2019
74314 REL 67 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 1995-063-25 EXP YAKIMA RIVER M&E - WDFW Closed $993,970 5/1/2019 - 4/30/2020
56662 REL 185 SOW Yakama Confederated Tribes 1995-063-25 EXP YAKIMA RIVER M&E - YKFP Closed $3,407,552 5/1/2019 - 7/31/2020
BPA-011702 Bonneville Power Administration PIT Tags - Yakima River M&E Active $328,101 10/1/2019 - 9/30/2020
56662 REL 214 SOW Yakama Confederated Tribes 1995-063-25 EXP YAKIMA RIVER M&E - YKFP Closed $3,668,521 5/1/2020 - 4/30/2021
74314 REL 101 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 1995-063-25 EXP YAKIMA RIVER M&E - WDFW Closed $1,165,597 5/1/2020 - 4/30/2021
BPA-012068 Bonneville Power Administration FY21 PIT Tags Active $329,423 10/1/2020 - 9/30/2021
56662 REL 238 SOW Yakama Confederated Tribes 1995-063-25 EXP YAKIMA RIVER M&E - YKFP Issued $4,287,315 5/1/2021 - 4/30/2022
74314 REL 131 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 1995-063-25 EXP YAKIMA RIVER M&E - WDFW Closed $1,090,835 5/1/2021 - 4/30/2022
BPA-012917 Bonneville Power Administration FY22 PIT tags Active $0 10/1/2021 - 9/30/2022
56662 REL 263 SOW Yakama Confederated Tribes 1995-063-25 EXP YAKIMA RIVER M&E - YKFP Issued $4,219,392 5/1/2022 - 4/30/2023
84042 REL 2 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 1995-063-25 EXP YAKIMA RIVER M&E - WDFW Closed $1,034,453 5/1/2022 - 4/30/2023
BPA-013317 Bonneville Power Administration FY23 PIT Tags Active $332,688 10/1/2022 - 9/30/2023
56662 REL 287 SOW Yakama Confederated Tribes 1995-063-25 EXP YAKIMA RIVER M&E - YKFP Issued $4,181,519 5/1/2023 - 4/30/2024
84042 REL 35 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 1995-063-25 EXP YAKIMA RIVER M&E - WDFW Issued $1,077,108 5/1/2023 - 4/30/2024
BPA-013731 Bonneville Power Administration FY24 PIT Tags Active $333,488 10/1/2023 - 9/30/2024
94738 SOW Yakama Confederated Tribes 1995-063-25 EXP YAKIMA RIVER M&E - YKFP Issued $4,434,790 5/1/2024 - 4/30/2025
84042 REL 67 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 1995-063-25 EXP YAKIMA RIVER M&E - WDFW Issued $1,077,108 5/1/2024 - 4/30/2025
BPA-014185 Bonneville Power Administration FY25 PIT Tags Active $333,488 10/1/2024 - 9/30/2025
CR-376411 SOW Yakama Confederated Tribes 1995-063-25 EXP YAKIMA RIVER M&E - YKFP Pending $4,463,778 5/1/2025 - 4/30/2026
CR-376412 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 1995-063-25 EXP YAKIMA RIVER M&E - WDFW Pending $1,077,108 5/1/2025 - 4/30/2026

Annual Progress Reports
Expected (since FY2004):48
On time:43
Status Reports
On time:118
Avg Days Late:6

                Count of Contract Deliverables
Earliest Contract Subsequent Contracts Title Contractor Earliest Start Latest End Latest Status Accepted Reports Complete Green Yellow Red Total % Green and Complete Canceled
5881 13769, 17635, 22449, 27798, 35037, 37822, 42445, 54321, 56662 REL 22, 56662 REL 68, 56662 REL 85, 56662 REL 108, 56662 REL 135, 56662 REL 160, 56662 REL 185, 56662 REL 214, 56662 REL 238, 56662 REL 263, 56662 REL 287, 94738 1995-063-25 EXP YAKIMA RIVER M&E - YKFP Yakama Confederated Tribes 04/01/2001 04/30/2025 Issued 97 399 17 0 2 418 99.52% 0
13756 17478, 22370, 27871, 34450, 37649, 42861, 53279, 61480, 65604, 69084, 72482, 75796, 74314 REL 34, 74314 REL 67, 74314 REL 101, 74314 REL 131, 84042 REL 2, 84042 REL 35, 84042 REL 67 1995-063-25 EXP YAKIMA RIVER M&E - WDFW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 05/01/2003 04/30/2025 Issued 95 237 14 0 4 255 98.43% 0
22096 26603 199506325 EXP YKFP M&E - USFWS MARKING US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) 04/01/2005 09/30/2006 Closed 4 10 2 0 0 12 100.00% 0
BPA-3716 PIT Tags - YKFP - Monitoring And Evaluati Bonneville Power Administration 10/01/2006 09/30/2007 Active 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BPA-4334 PIT Tags - YKFP Monitoring & Evaluation Bonneville Power Administration 10/01/2007 09/30/2008 Active 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BPA-4580 PIT Tags - Yakima River M&E Bonneville Power Administration 10/01/2008 09/30/2009 Active 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BPA-4581 PIT Tags - Yakima River M&E Bonneville Power Administration 10/01/2009 09/30/2010 Active 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BPA-5709 PIT Tags - Yakima River M&E Bonneville Power Administration 10/01/2010 09/30/2011 Active 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BPA-5923 PIT Tags - Yakima River M&E Bonneville Power Administration 10/01/2011 09/30/2012 Active 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BPA-6944 PIT Tags - Yakima River M&E Bonneville Power Administration 10/01/2012 09/30/2013 Active 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BPA-7660 PIT Tags - Yakima River M&E Bonneville Power Administration 10/01/2013 09/30/2014 Active 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BPA-8387 PIT Tags - Yakima River M&E Bonneville Power Administration 10/01/2014 09/30/2015 Active 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BPA-9108 PIT Tags - Yakima River M&E Bonneville Power Administration 10/01/2015 09/30/2016 Active 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BPA-9527 PIT Tags - Yakima River M&E Bonneville Power Administration 10/01/2016 09/30/2017 Active 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BPA-10056 PIT Tags - Yakima River M&E Bonneville Power Administration 10/01/2017 09/30/2018 Active 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BPA-10726 PIT Tags - Yakima River M&E Bonneville Power Administration 10/01/2018 09/30/2019 Active 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BPA-11702 PIT Tags - Yakima River M&E Bonneville Power Administration 10/01/2019 09/30/2020 Active 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BPA-12068 FY21 PIT Tags Bonneville Power Administration 10/01/2020 09/30/2021 Active 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BPA-13317 FY23 PIT Tags Bonneville Power Administration 10/01/2022 09/30/2023 Active 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BPA-13731 FY24 PIT Tags Bonneville Power Administration 10/01/2023 09/30/2024 Active 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BPA-14185 FY25 PIT Tags Bonneville Power Administration 10/01/2024 09/30/2025 Active 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Project Totals 196 646 33 0 6 685 99.12% 0

The table content is updated frequently and thus contains more recent information than what was in the original proposal reviewed by ISRP and Council.

Review: 2022 Anadromous Fish Habitat & Hatchery Review

Council Recommendation

Assessment Number: 1995-063-25-NPCC-20230310
Project: 1995-063-25 - Yakima River Monitoring and Evaluation-Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP)
Review: 2022 Anadromous Fish Habitat & Hatchery Review
Approved Date: 4/15/2022
Recommendation: Implement with Conditions
Comments: Bonneville and Sponsor to address condition #1 (spawner-recruit) in project documentation. This project supports hatchery mitigation authorized under the Northwest Power Act (Council’s Fish and Wildlife Program) for the Levi George Spring Chinook Hatchery program. See Policy Issue I.b., II.a. and II.b.

[Background: See]

Independent Scientific Review Panel Assessment

Assessment Number: 1995-063-25-ISRP-20230324
Project: 1995-063-25 - Yakima River Monitoring and Evaluation-Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP)
Review: 2022 Anadromous Fish Habitat & Hatchery Review
Completed Date: 3/24/2023
Final Round ISRP Date: 2/10/2022
Final Round ISRP Rating: Meets Scientific Review Criteria (Qualified)
Final Round ISRP Comment:

The ISRP’s two recommended Conditions are listed below. The proponents need to assist with development of an M&E Matrix during the response loop (September 24 to November 22, 2021) and to provide information to address the other Condition in future annual reports and work plans:

  1. Spawner-recruit relationships. Please present spawner-recruit relationships as a means to evaluate capacity of the habitat to support salmon and steelhead and to help track progress over time. If current data are insufficient to generate these relationships, then please describe efforts to improve data collection.
  2. M&E matrix - support. As habitat projects and monitoring projects are not presented as part of an integrated proposal or plan, the need for a crosswalk to identify the linkages between implementation and monitoring is extremely important for basins or geographic areas. The ISRP is requesting a response from the Yakima Basin Habitat Project (199705100) to summarize the linkages between implementation and monitoring projects in the Yakima River basin. During the response loop, as a key M&E project and partner in the basin, we ask your project to assist them in creating the summary and provide information to them about what, where, and when your monitoring occurs and what is being monitored for and shared with implementation projects in the basin. A map or maps of locations of monitoring actions would be helpful in this regard.

The overall Yakima Klickitat Fisheries Project is a very large and comprehensive salmon supplementation and habitat restoration project. This M&E effort reportedly focuses on salmon population dynamics including hatchery supplementation, harvest, and predation effects on salmon but does not specifically describe efforts to monitor fish responses to habitat restoration.

The ISRP is concerned that salmon and steelhead responses to habitat restoration actions in the Yakima Basin are not adequately addressed by the restoration projects and/or this M&E project. Most habitat restoration projects in the Yakima Basin identified this M&E effort as the project that is monitoring salmon and steelhead responses to habitat restoration actions. However, this M&E proposal is clearly focused on supplementation effects, and only occasionally mentions the response of natural-origin salmon to habitat restoration actions. This M&E project should be able to track the basin-wide response of natural-origin salmon and steelhead to habitat restoration actions over the long term while incorporating density dependence and environmental variability into the analyses.

The ISRP encourages the proponents to continue to address comments by the ISRP review of the Yakima Basin Master Plan (2020-3, 2020-9). These comments largely involve supplementation efforts of coho and summer/fall Chinook salmon that have greatly exceeded the EDT and Beverton-Holt capacity estimates. While it is understandable why the proponents target high spawning escapements, it is also important to consider the lower productivity (survival) associated with spawning densities of hatchery salmon that greatly exceed current capacity of the habitat to support the salmon. Higher and higher spawner densities have not produced more progeny. Furthermore, high densities of hatchery origin spawners promote interbreeding with the relatively few natural salmon and will inhibit local adaptation even though the hatchery attempts to use 100% natural broodstock. Recent reviews by Anderson et al. (2020) and the HSRG (2020) indicate that minimizing pHOS is more beneficial to promoting local adaptation than maximizing pNOB. We encourage the proponents to use the collected data to further develop and evaluate spawner recruit relationships for naturally produced spring and summer/fall Chinook salmon, coho salmon, and steelhead. For example, what is the relationship between smolts per spawner (or adults per spawner) and parent spawners, and at what parent spawner densities is smolt production and/or adult maximized? Monitoring of natural-origin salmon spawner-recruit relationships is critical to the evaluation of salmon responses to habitat restoration activities and to inform adaptive management contingencies.

Q1: Clearly defined objectives and outcomes

The goal of the large and comprehensive Yakima Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP) is to restore sustainable and harvestable populations of salmon, steelhead and other at-risk species that were historically present in the Yakima subbasin. Abundance objectives by species for the Yakima Basin were developed in collaboration with the Columbia Basin Partnership Task Force of the Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee and presented on pages 212-249 of the task force’s Phase 2 Report, which was released in October 2020. Specific strategies to achieve these objectives include enhance existing stocks; re-introduce extirpated stocks; protect and restore habitat in the Yakima Subbasin; operate using a scientifically rigorous process that will foster application of the knowledge gained about hatchery supplementation and habitat restoration throughout the Columbia River Basin; and use modeling tools to facilitate planning and adaptive management for project activities. The proposal includes a number of M&E questions related to salmon propagation and supplementation, predation on salmonids, harvest and spawning escapement, and monitoring and evaluation methods.

The proposal would have benefited if species-specific objectives for the Yakima Basin were listed in the proposal itself rather than referenced in the Phase 2 Report.

The proposal does not describe monitoring of the salmon and steelhead response to habitat restoration actions even though most habitat projects stated this M&E effort was providing the necessary information.

Q2: Methods

This very large program involves a wide variety of methodologies, which are very briefly noted in the proposal with links to documents that provide more detail. This approach complicates the ISRP review process, but the ISRP recently reviewed the Master Plan that provides more detail. The proposal states that the Yakama Nation is working to update evaluation methods presented in the 1997 and 2006 Yakima Basin supplementation monitoring and evaluation plans. Most methods appear to be based on sound scientific principles. However, on page 18 of the 2020 annual report, it was unclear why the spawner-recruit analysis assumed no production from hatchery origin spawner and the analysis apparently removed hatchery spawners from the analysis.

Q3: Provisions for M&E

This is an M&E proposal for the very large and comprehensive Yakima Klickitat Fisheries Project. In August 2020, the proponents provided a 378-page M&E annual report including appendices. The report provides numerous data tables along with text that can be used for documenting progress over time. The proponents reportedly review their methods and progress and make changes as needed. The project has also produced over 60 peer-reviewed articles. The effort to go through the peer review process helps ensure that results are properly evaluated and that the project adjusts to acceptable scientific standards.

Many projects involving restoration efforts depend on this umbrella project to provide data and information about the success of their efforts. It is not clear how responsive this project is to the needs of some of the sub-projects (e.g., 200739800; 199206200), which refer to this project for providing the biological monitoring efforts needed for feedback to assess the success of their stream restoration efforts.

Q4: Results – benefits to fish and wildlife

The annual report provides many details regarding the benefits to fish and wildlife, including findings for multiple life stages of salmon. Supplementation has led to greater abundances of salmon returning to the watershed; however, abundances remain very small compared with historical levels. The YN recognize the long-term commitment to rebuild populations through supplementation and habitat restoration.


Anderson, J. H., K. I. Warheit, B. E. Craig, T. R. Seamons, and A. H. Haukenes. 2020. A review of hatchery reform science in Washington State. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; Final report to the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission, January 23, 2020. Available at:

HSRG (Hatchery Scientific Review Group). 2020. Developing recovery objectives and phase triggers for salmonid populations. December 2020.

Documentation Links:
Review: RME / AP Category Review

Council Recommendation

Assessment Number: 1995-063-25-NPCC-20110124
Project: 1995-063-25 - Yakima River Monitoring and Evaluation-Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP)
Review: RME / AP Category Review
Proposal: RMECAT-1995-063-25
Proposal State: Pending BPA Response
Approved Date: 6/10/2011
Recommendation: Fund (Qualified)
Comments: Implement with conditions through 2016: Sponsor to address ISRP qualifications in contracting, submit Master Plan by end of FY 2012 for coho and Fall Chinook, and conduct an ISRP review of YKFP in conjunction with the Yakama Fisheries Reviews. Implementation subject to regional hatchery effects evaluation process described in programmatic recommendation #4.
Council Condition #1 Programmatic Issue: RMECAT #4 Hatchery Effectiveness—subject to regional hatchery effects evaluation process
Council Condition #2 Qualifications: ISRP recommends that in the future the project use standardized calculations/metrics for determining impacts of supplementation, as presented in the Ad Hoc Supplementation Work Group reports and ISRP supplementation reports The project needs to really assess response to supplementation of the wild population...and to do that, the calculations will need to include a method of estimating proportions of wild to hatchery fish in reference versus treatment streams. Submit master plan by end of FY 2012 for coho and fall Chinook. We also acknowledge that because of the sheer size and complexity of this project, it is not possible for any single reviewer to get his/her arms around it. As a group we wholeheartedly support the idea that future ISRP review efforts should be conducted in conjunction with the annual Yakama Nations' Fisheries Program Review, thereby taking advantage of that meeting's presentations and discussions.

Independent Scientific Review Panel Assessment

Assessment Number: 1995-063-25-ISRP-20101015
Project: 1995-063-25 - Yakima River Monitoring and Evaluation-Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP)
Review: RME / AP Category Review
Proposal Number: RMECAT-1995-063-25
Completed Date: 12/17/2010
Final Round ISRP Date: 12/17/2010
Final Round ISRP Rating: Meets Scientific Review Criteria (Qualified)
Final Round ISRP Comment:
We judge the overall implementation of the project to be adequate, but the Yes (Qualified) rating does not represent ISRP endorsement of the interpretations of data and results.

Qualification 1: Specifically, we recommend that in the future the project use standardized calculations/metrics for determining impacts of supplementation, as presented in the Ad Hoc Supplementation Work Group reports and ISRP supplementation reports (e.g., incorrectly using total number of redds before and after supplementation efforts, rather than number of redds from wild spawned returning adults before and after treatment). The project needs to really assess response to supplementation of the wild population...and to do that, the calculations will need to include a method of estimating proportions of wild to hatchery fish in reference versus treatment streams.

Qualification 2: We also acknowledge that because of the sheer size and complexity of this project, it is not possible for any single reviewer to get his/her arms around it. As a group we wholeheartedly support the idea that future ISRP review efforts should be conducted in conjunction with the annual Yakama Nations' Fisheries Program Review, thereby taking advantage of that meeting's presentations and discussions.

The project team's response does, however, provide additional information and clarification when available for some ISRP concerns and further justification of constraints and future plans for other ISRP concerns when a current resolution is not available. As such, it helps move along the dialogue regarding the role of supplementation efforts in the subbasin.

The response includes good discussion of the specific items raised in the review. It is clear that much improved understanding is needed regarding factors that impact pre-smolt survival of natural- and (post-release) hatchery-origin. As seen in other watersheds as well, there appears to be a pattern emerging of poor natural-origin fish survival in the months prior to smolting that contrasts with better survival of hatchery-origin fish. More study is needed.
First Round ISRP Date: 10/18/2010
First Round ISRP Rating: Response Requested
First Round ISRP Comment:

The comments on this proposal, 199506325, apply to all three YKFP projects. This is an immense proposal that covers a lot of territory, with varying levels of detail. Most of the real RM&E activity is housed under this project, with more WDFW administration under 199506425, and more hatchery Operations under 199701325. The proposal and especially the presentation were both well-organized and very informative. We agree with Dave Fast’s suggestion at the presentation, that the next review of this project would be best coordinated with their annual coordination meeting. This strategy would help the better understand coordination efforts and how all of the pieces fit together. Some general questions exist, and a response is requested: As presented in more detail below, results reported the total number of redds per year, what are the results when returns are adjusted for presence of hatchery fish? It is recognized that because of hatchery limitations, out-of-basin coho smolts are still being brought into the basin. Why can’t they collect the broodstock and rear them offsite? If NO fish start out-performing HO fish, will there be a transition to NOs and local brood? 1. Purpose, Significance to Regional Programs, Technical Background, and Objectives This project is characterized as an “Umbrella proposal for monitoring and evaluation of natural production, harvest, ecological and genetic impacts for spring Chinook, fall Chinook, and coho fisheries enhancement projects in the Yakima Basin.” As such it is quite complex in its nature. The overall purpose is summarized as follows: “To restore sustainable and harvestable populations of salmon, steelhead and other at-risk species, the YKFP is evaluating all stocks historically present in the Yakima subbasin and, using principles of adaptive management, is applying a combination of habitat protection and restoration, as well as hatchery supplementation or reintroduction strategies to address limiting factors....” There are four very broad research focal topics listed as objectives: Ecological Interactions, Genetics, Harvest, Natural Production, with little real objectives type statements; instead these objectives are accompanied by a list of metrics/methods – but these are very terse descriptors. The authors do, however, provide the following set of four research questions that the project is addressing: 1. Can integrated hatchery programs be used to increase long-term natural production? 2. Can integrated hatchery programs limit genetic impacts to non-target Chinook populations? 3. Can integrated hatchery programs limit ecological impacts to non-target populations? 4. Does supplementation increase harvest opportunities? 2. History: Accomplishments, Results, and Adaptive Management There is a brief set-up as a problem statement. The scope of the proposal, however, is so vast, that no introduction of a reasonable length could cover it all. That said, a nice review of YKFP history and background is provided. The project’s lengthy list of accomplishments, including a commendable number of scientific publications, is highlighted. There is a strong discussion of adaptive management. Work to date on ecological interactions has been extremely strong, extensive in scope, and well published. Certain results, however, continue to portray results in a way that does not reflect the true goals of a supplementation project. Specifically, results presented in the proposal and in the presentation to the review group reported the total number of redds per year, a number that was not adjusted for presence of hatchery fish. Results need to be reformatted to provide sufficient data to determine the project’s status on demonstrating the efficacy of its experimental design as well as how well it is really accomplishing its supplementation objectives. We want a paragraph or two and tables containing the correct analyses. Authors should coordinate with WDFW on this response, specifically including results that Todd Pearsons presented at the AHSWG. 3. Project Relationships, Emerging Limiting Factors, and Tailored Questions for Type of Work (Hatchery, RME, Tagging) As an umbrella project, this proposal does a good job of tying the myriad aspects together in a reasonable description of the vast network of inter-relationships of this project with other groups. 4. Deliverables, Work Elements, Metrics, and Methods Deliverables were less than specifically identified, although the work elements were laid out in great detail in the boxes with tasks etc, along with methods and metrics. Bottom Line – this is such a huge project, providing the level of detail given by other proposals would be impossible.

Documentation Links:
  • Proponent Response (11/15/2010)

2008 FCRPS BiOp Workgroup Assessment

Assessment Number: 1995-063-25-BIOP-20101105
Project Number: 1995-063-25
Review: RME / AP Category Review
Proposal Number: RMECAT-1995-063-25
Completed Date: None
2008 FCRPS BiOp Workgroup Rating: Supports 2008 FCRPS BiOp
Comments: BiOp Workgroup Comments: No BiOp Workgroup comments

The BiOp RM&E Workgroups made the following determinations regarding the proposal's ability or need to support BiOp Research, Monitoring and Evaluation (RME) RPAs. If you have questions regarding these RPA association conclusions, please contact your BPA COTR and they will help clarify, or they will arrange further discussion with the appropriate RM&E Workgroup Leads. BiOp RPA associations for the proposed work are: (50.6 50.7 62.4 62.5 64.2)
All Questionable RPA Associations ( ) and
All Deleted RPA Associations ( )
Proponent Response:
Fish marking:
Spring Chinook - Yes, 100%
Coho, Yes, 100%
Fall Chinook, No.  Only a portion of fish are marked (those from Little White; about 10%)
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review

Council Recommendation

Assessment Number: 1995-063-25-NPCC-20090924
Project: 1995-063-25 - Yakima River Monitoring and Evaluation-Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP)
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Approved Date: 10/23/2006
Recommendation: Fund
Comments: ISRP fundable qualified: ISRP recommends that the broader YKFP program be the subject of an organized program review. Project sponsor should consider focusing the next annual review for this purpose, otherwise review will need to occur as part of the next project review cycle. As Council has asked for in the past, a Master Plan is needed for fall chinook and coho elements of the project.

Independent Scientific Review Panel Assessment

Assessment Number: 1995-063-25-ISRP-20060831
Project: 1995-063-25 - Yakima River Monitoring and Evaluation-Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP)
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Completed Date: 8/31/2006
Final Round ISRP Date: None
Final Round ISRP Rating: Meets Scientific Review Criteria (Qualified)
Final Round ISRP Comment:
See the overall comments for the five related Yakima/Klickitat Fishery Projects under proposal 19881205.

Comments specific to this M&E proposal.

Technical and scientific background: The M&E project is the omnibus scientific component (a large share) of the broader YKFP and is the most amenable to scientific review. This project essentially provides the rigor and measurement to test the basic assumptions of supplementation within the Yakima subbasin. The background treatment is actually a bit light, instead, referring to previous efforts, e.g., "The YKFP monitoring program is built on a foundation laid in a number of earlier projects. The general elements of a monitoring plan were first outlined in the YKFP's 1993 Project Status Report (BPA 1993)."

Rationale and significance to subbasin plans and regional programs: This project is the key tool for comprehensively measuring assumptions and strategies long in place within the Yakima subbasin regarding supplementation and other programs. These are expressly detailed in the Yakima Subbasin Plan and need to be better articulated within the proposal.

Relationships to other projects: This project is the umbrella or omnibus M&E activity for the others in the Yakima subbasin by both the Yakima Nation and the WDFW. It is designed to address the basic assumptions underlying the YKFP with intensive and explicit examination of the subcomponents of supplementation (and presumably habitat restoration and other H's).

Project history: The project history is extensive. The table is quite data heavy. This proposal represents a major leap forward in the monitoring and evaluation of supplementation as a restoration and mitigation strategy within not only the Yakima subbasin, but basinwide. It addresses many of the key risks long assumed to be negligible with artificial production, as well as other critical variables (uncertainties). As such, the information generated will be highly relevant to future decisions as to ongoing efforts in the basin and subbasin.

Objectives: The list of measurable biological objectives is quite lengthy. There needs to some thought to prioritizing these such that "measure everything" philosophy yields to "measure critical variables". These critical variables must address the key decision points in a logic path or decision tree. Non-biological objectives overlap somewhat with other proposals (e.g., unclear as to how NEPA for this project differs from NEPA for O&M project, etc.). Ultimately, while some individual hypotheses may be addressed rapidly, the timeline to gather information on the broader question of whether supplementation is "contributing to" versus "detracting from" natural reproduction may require a few generations (i.e., 10-15 years).

Tasks (work elements) and methods: The methods are extensively and adequately described. The sponsors appear to have responded well to earlier comments/critiques/suggestions by ISRP (specifically) and ISAB (more generally re: supplementation). The M&E component of YKFP should address the appropriateness and soundness of assumptions. The techniques are largely appropriate for each of the tasks and include some references/controls, as well as involvement of statistical and design expertise.

Monitoring and evaluation: This is a monitoring and evaluation component to the broader program. We look forward to a site and program review with summarized data and results of various activities ongoing in the Subbasin.

Facilities, equipment, and personnel: There will be a large staff associated with these efforts (50+ fulltime and numerous part time/seasonal). The large staff is commensurate with scale and scope of the undertaking.

Information transfer: The described intent is to make data (raw) available through various institutional means throughout the basin as well as to provide annual reporting and periodic evaluation. There is intent to produce high quality and credible summary in peer-reviewed outlets. There is also a web site with up-to-date fish counts, links to reports, cartoons (not skewering the ISRP) and swimming fish.
Documentation Links:

Legal Assessment (In-Lieu)

Assessment Number: 1995-063-25-INLIEU-20090521
Project Number: 1995-063-25
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Completed Date: 10/6/2006
In Lieu Rating: Problems Exist
Cost Share Rating: None
Comment: M&E for YKFP, including supplementation research & reintroduction research; fishery managers authorized/required; needs cost share or other remedy.

Capital Assessment

Assessment Number: 1995-063-25-CAPITAL-20090618
Project Number: 1995-063-25
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Completed Date: 2/27/2007
Capital Rating: Does Not Qualify for Capital Funding
Capital Asset Category: None
Comment: None

Project Relationships: This project Split From 2008-468-00 effective on 12/18/2008
Relationship Description: The capital component of project 2008-468-00 is moved to 1995-063-25 for further construction/set-up of new mobile acclimation units.

Name Role Organization
Mel Sampson (Inactive) Supervisor Yakama Confederated Tribes
Adrienne Wilson Administrative Contact Yakama Confederated Tribes
Dave Fast (Inactive) Technical Contact Yakama Confederated Tribes
Mark Johnston Project Lead Yakama Confederated Tribes
Peter Lofy Supervisor Bonneville Power Administration
Bill Bosch Interested Party Yakama Confederated Tribes
Jennifer Lord Interested Party Bonneville Power Administration
BPA RME Support Team Interested Party Bonneville Power Administration
Martin Allen Project SME Bonneville Power Administration
Brian McIlraith Project Manager Bonneville Power Administration
John Vlastelicia Env. Compliance Lead Bonneville Power Administration